Arab News

‘Institutio­ns in Algiers are stronger than men’


ALGIERS: Algerians are facing the eventual departure of their longservin­g president, the ailing Abdelaziz Bouteflika, in the knowledge that all is being done to ensure little changes when he goes.

The 80-year-old leader, who has ruled the North African country for nearly two decades, was incapacita­ted by a stroke in 2013, but may decide to run again in the next presidenti­al election due in May 2019.

Should he bow out, though, many Algerians believe the person elected to replace him will be secondary. Just as now, observers say, a powerful ruling caste dominated by the army will run the show from behind the scenes.

That may be good news for an aged and thinning party elite from the Front de Liberation National (FLN), allied business tycoons and generals — collective­ly known as “Le Pouvoir” or “The Powers That Be” — that has long managed Algeria’s politics.

It is a source of frustratio­n, however, for young Algerians who have known no other leader. They worry less about who is in charge and more about jobs at a time of high unemployme­nt, low oil prices and economic austerity.

For Samir Abdelaoui, who studies at a private English language school, leaving the country may offer the way out. “I don’t care about politics, all I need is a decent job, if not here, then overseas. I want a visa, not a president,” said Abdelaoui, who is learning English to increase his chances of getting a work visa abroad.

Speculatio­n is rife abroad over what will happen to Algeria after the departure of Bouteflika, who has visited Europe several times for treatment and remained in hospital in France for months after his stroke. But inside Algeria, an apparent oasis of stability in a chaotic region, the regime’s allies regard the problem as settled.

“After Bouteflika the military command will organize the succession. The political class is weak here,” said Anis Rahmani, chairman of Ennahar TV, an insider close to the authoritie­s.

Haunted by wars

One liberal Algerian analyst also expected continuity. “The institutio­ns in Algiers are stronger than the men. The men go but the institutio­ns stay,” the analyst said, requesting anonymity.

“The institutio­ns are functionin­g well, whether Bouteflika is sick, in Algiers or abroad. As long as his health allows him to he will continue beyond 2018.”

Hopes for the election of a reformist, modernizin­g president who will bring in a competitiv­e democracy and open society, have all but faded away. The priority, according to observers of Algeria’s system, is the stability that its citizens see as incarnated in Bouteflika.

The former French colony, which freed itself in a brutal independen­ce struggle that ended in 1962, is haunted by memories of a 1990s civil war that erupted after the state canceled elections when a religious party appeared set to win.

That conflict killed 200,000 people, leaving many Algerians wary later of the unrest that toppled the leaders of Tunisia, Egypt and Libya in the “Arab Spring” revolts of 2011.

“Algeria is a country in a very bad neighborho­od and because we are in a bad neighborho­od the army should remain involved. I don’t think the army would want to seize power after Bouteflika but they will be part of the political process,” said another Algerian political analyst who also requested anonymity.

Disconnect­ed youths

Young Algerians, who form twothirds of the population of 41 million, neverthele­ss feel left out and disconnect­ed with a remote political class.

By contrast, French President Emmanuel Macron walked through the streets of Algiers on a visit last week and talked directly with excited young people — something they have not experience­d with their own leader for a long time.

One of the analysts described the ruling class as “totally obsolete in a country of youths.”

“We dream of a young class that has vitality, but the political class is not ready to give them one inch,” said the analyst

Bouteflika, in power since 1999, is rarely seen and has not spoken in public since his stroke. Yet if he or his circle decides he will run for a fifth term, sources close to “Le Pouvoir” say, he would be without doubt elected.

 ??  ?? Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika looks on during a swearing-in ceremony in Algiers, in this file photo. (Reuters)
Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika looks on during a swearing-in ceremony in Algiers, in this file photo. (Reuters)

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