Arab News

India bank hack ‘similar’ to $81m Bangladesh heist


NEW DELHI: Hackers who tried to steal nearly $2 million from India’s City Union Bank this month used tactics similar to those employed in the unsolved cyber heist of $81 million from Bangladesh’s central bank in 2016, City’s CEO said on Monday.

The unknown hackers disabled the City printer connected to global payments platform SWIFT on Feb. 6, preventing the bank from receiving acknowledg­ement messages for three fraudulent payment instructio­n sent that evening until the next morning.

“Nobody suspected that it was an attack and thought it was a systemic network failure,” N. Kamakodi told Reuters by phone. “The system department people, everybody assembled, analyzed the problem, rebooted, they closed shop only around 10-10.30 in the night.”

The next morning, bank officials managed to reconcile the previous day’s transactio­ns and found out “three transactio­ns which were not originated from our bank.”

The bank had been able block only one of the transfers worth $500,000, while attempts were underway to retrieve the rest, he said. It first disclosed the heist on Saturday.

In the case of Bangladesh Bank, hackers infected the system with malware that disabled the SWIFT printer. Bank officials in Dhaka initially assumed there was simply a printer problem.

The hackers stole the money from Bangladesh Bank’s account at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York using fraudulent orders on SWIFT. The money was sent to accounts at Manila-based Rizal Commercial Banking Corp. and then disappeare­d into the casino industry in the Philippine­s.

Nearly two years later, there is no word on who was responsibl­e and Bangladesh Bank has been able to retrieve only about $15 million, mostly from a Manila junket operator.

“We definitely see similariti­es between the Bangladesh case, and the similariti­es are being factored into the investigat­ion,” Kamakodi said.

City Union, a small private lender based in south India, said the three money transfer instructio­ns were sent via correspond­ent banks to accounts in Dubai, Turkey and China.

 ??  ?? India’s City Union Bank was able to block only one of the transfers worth $500,000. (Reuters)
India’s City Union Bank was able to block only one of the transfers worth $500,000. (Reuters)

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