Arab News

Israel in first Syria strikes since air defense upgrade, says monitor

- AFP, Reuters Beirut AFP

Israel struck several positions south of Damascus, a war monitor said Friday, in the first strikes since Syrian air defenses were upgraded following the accidental downing of a Russian plane in September.

Damascus claimed its air defense systems shot down all “hostile targets” late Thursday. Israel did not confirm carrying out raids but denied any losses.

According to the Syrian Observator­y for Human Rights, the strikes hit two positions in the south of Damascus province, including an area believed to be an Iranian weapons depot near the capital.

“Israeli forces bombarded for an hour,” observator­y chief Rami Abdel Rahman said.

Two missiles hit “weapons depots belonging to the Lebanese Hezbol- lah (militant group) as well as Iranian forces” in Kisweh.

Another missile hit the area of Harfa, where there is a Syrian military base, the Britain-based monitor said.

In Kisweh, “the depots that were targeted are used to temporaril­y store rockets until they are taken somewhere else,” Abdel Rahman said.

“It appears the Israelis had intelligen­ce that weapons had arrived there recently,” he added.

The observator­y also said airstrikes by the US-led coalition against Daesh in eastern Syria this week killed dozens of people in the terrorist group’s last major foothold.

Syrian regime media also reported dozens of deaths this week.

The observator­y said strikes beginning overnight on Wednesday in and around Al-Shafa in the Deir Ezzor countrysid­e had targeted a hospital, prison and houses used by militants in their pocket on the eastern bank of the Euphrates river near the Iraqi border.

 ?? Estimates of deaths in the war vary between 364,792 and 522,000. ??
Estimates of deaths in the war vary between 364,792 and 522,000.

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