Arab News

Normalcy restored in Sinai

Heavy police deployment as danger still lurks in the Egyptian city

- AP El-Arish, Egypt AP/File photo El-Arish has come a long way from the city where barely a year ago militants killed suspected informants in broad daylight, set up bogus checkpoint­s, shot Christians in their stores, snatched clerics and members of the se

Mohammed Amer Shaaban stood over trays of fresh fish at his tiny store in the coastal Sinai Peninsula city of El-Arish, pointing to his right and left while recalling the tough days when Daesh militants operated with impunity.

“They killed a Christian who owns a knife shop there and an informant over there. They also killed one of my cousins,” he said.

“We have enjoyed some stability and peace for the past six or seven months,” added the 48-year-old father of five as some two dozen journalist­s descended on El-Arish’s fish market as part of a rare, armyorgani­zed trip.

The trip was chiefly designed to show off signs of normalcy in El-Arish, northern Sinai’s largest city, as evidence that the military’s all-out offensive against militants launched nearly 10 months ago has succeeded. But in the city and the surroundin­g deserts, the signs of war are difficult to miss, particular­ly the enormous security presence. The Associated Press was required to submit the photos and video accompanyi­ng this story to Egypt’s military censor, which did not say two weeks after submission if or when the material would be released.

The carefully scripted trip included visits to an indoor arena packed with thousands of screaming schoolchil­dren, a new housing project, a school and a factory. No one is claiming the militants have been defeated, but there have been no major attacks for several months, save a recent ambush of buses carrying Christian pilgrims to a remote desert monastery south of Cairo that left seven dead.

The fight against militants in Sinai has gone on for years, but the insurgency gathered steam after the 2013 ouster by the military of a freely elected but divisive president, Mohammed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhoo­d. Authoritie­s have since shut down almost all undergroun­d tunnels that they suspected militants used to smuggle fighters and weapons into Sinai from neighborin­g Gaza, ruled by Hamas since 2007.

They also razed to the ground much of the town of Rafah on the Gaza border in a bid to deny the militants a safe haven and stop its use as cover for tunnels. Elsewhere in northern Sinai, olive orchards have been bulldozed to deny the militants sanctuary. A brutal militant attack on a Sinai mosque that killed more than 300 worshipper­s a year ago — the deadliest such attack in Egypt in living memory — prompted President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi to order a major offensive.

The operation, with thousands of troops backed by tanks, fighterjet­s and warships, got underway in February. Security forces almost completely sealed off northern Sinai, causing shortages of food and fuel. The siege was eased in May, allowing normalcy to gradually return to the mostly desert region, especially in El-Arish.

Barely a year ago, militants in El-Arish killed suspected informants in broad daylight, set up bogus checkpoint­s, shot Christians in their stores, snatched clerics and members of the security forces to later dump their bodies on the streets. Now traffic is heavy, families are out in public, stores are filled with goods, and school classes are packed with children.

The military is eager to tout the changes. “Terrorism will be completely defeated in a matter of a few months,” announced Mohammed Abdel-Fadeel Shoushah, a retired general who serves as the governor of northern Sinai. “Now we are focusing on developmen­t, which is the basis of security.”

For now, though, El-Arish shows enduring signs of conflict.

A pharaonic-style building across the road from the governor’s heavily guarded office has almost every one of its windows shattered. Some streets are blocked by sand berms, while others are sealed off by concrete blocks. Unfinished buildings are everywhere in the city, parts of which look deserted. Many of the date palms in the city look like they have received little care for years.

Authoritie­s are building a wall around the city’s airport after militants last December rocketed a helicopter used by the then defense and interior ministers while parked on the tarmac.

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