Arab News

Australia discusses moving Israel Embassy to Jerusalem

- Reuters Sydney

Australia’s government met on Tuesday to discuss whether to move its embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, two sources familiar with the matter said, a decision that would break with decades of policy and risk angering Asian neighbors.

“Cabinet met today and the issue of moving the Israeli embassy was discussed. The decision is still pending,” said one of the sources who refused to be identified as he is not authorised to speak to the media.

Prime Minster Scott Morrison in October said he was “open” to moving the embassy to Jerusalem, following the lead of US President Donald Trump.

The US opened a new embassy in Jerusalem in May, a move that delighted Israel, infuriated Palestinia­ns and upset the wider Arab world and Western allies.

The Australian newspaper reported several senior Cabinet members were leaning towards recognizin­g Jerusalem as Israel’s capital while stopping short of moving the embassy.

Jerusalem’s status is a major obstacle to a peace deal between Israel and the Palestinia­ns. Israel regards all of the city, including the eastern sector that it annexed after a 1967 war, as its capital.

The Australian newspaper said a decision could be announced this week. By recognizin­g Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, Morrison would be hoping to keep his conservati­ve backbench happy but it would likely anger neighbors, including Indonesia, the world’s biggest Muslim-majority country.

The Palestinia­n question is sensitive in Indonesia and it has refused to sign a free trade agreement with Australia until it confirms its plans toward Israel.

Israel’s government regards Jerusalem as the eternal and indivisibl­e capital of the country. Palestinia­ns feel equally strongly, saying that East Jerusalem must be the capital of a future Palestinia­n state.

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