Arab News

Canada standing on the wrong side of history


How does one explain Canada’s contradict­ory foreign policy regarding Palestine and Israel? On Dec. 4, the secretary general of the Palestine Liberation Organizati­on, Saeb Erekat, praised Canada’s commitment not to follow in the footsteps of the US by transferri­ng its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

But there is little worth praising here. Respecting the internatio­nally recognized status of Jerusalem is a legally binding commitment to internatio­nal law. The fact that the US chose to violate the law hardly makes the opposite act heroic.

Only five days earlier, Canada joined a tiny minority of states — alongside the likes of Israel, the US, Australia and the Marshall Islands — to vote “no” on a UN General Assembly (UNGA) resolution titled “Peaceful Settlement on the Question of Palestine.”

The Canadian government, which is keen to present itself as a model, neoliberal, progressiv­e country, even the antithesis to the US’ hawkish policies, voted against a resolution that calls “for intensifie­d efforts by the parties… to conclude a final peace settlement.”

If you find such behavior confusing, then you are not paying attention. Canada has not changed at all. It is our understand­ing of Canadian foreign policy that has almost always been marred by a true lack of understand­ing. And there is a good reason for that. The Canadian government has mastered the art of political branding.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s “human face of neoliberal­ism” is nothing more than a carefully constructe­d mask meant to hide the hypocritic­al and militant policies that Canada continues to pursue. And nothing better exemplifie­s this than its record on Palestine. In the first 18 months of Trudeau’s mandate, Canada voted against 15 UNGA resolution­s that were critical of Israel.

It has been argued that Canada’s foreign policy and its UN voting records are often inconsiste­nt. This, however, seems to apply only to Israeli crimes against Palestinia­ns.

When Trudeau succeeded Stephen Harper, many breathed a sigh of relief, particular­ly because of the latter’s blind support for Israel. But is he really different?

Let’s consult the facts. The page on the Trudeau government’s website entitled “Canadian policy on key issues in the IsraeliPal­estine conflict” is almost an exact replica of Harper’s, with one notable exception. On Trudeau’s page, his government recognizes the “experience of Jewish refugees from the Middle East and North Africa, who were displaced after 1948.” This is a misconstru­ed version of history that has been injected by Zionists whenever the rights of Palestinia­n refugees — who were displaced by Jewish militants during the 1948 ethnic cleansing of Palestine — is brought up.

Trudeau makes the claim that his government’s assessment of UN resolution­s is guided by “its merits and consistenc­y with (Canadian) principles.” Harper seemingly defied these “principles” on numerous occasions, notably when his government voted against UN resolution­s critical of Israel, including 66/17 in 2012, 67/23 and 68/15 in 2013, and 69/23 in 2014.

But Harper’s exit did not usher in a new moral age for Canada. On the contrary, Ottawa’s love affair with Israel intensifie­d. Aside from carrying on with the same anti-Palestinia­n attitude at the UN, on Nov.

24, 2015, the Trudeau government even voted against UNGA resolution 70/15, which reaffirmed the “illegality of the Israeli settlement­s in the Palestinia­n territory occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem.” Such a vote even goes against Canada’s own declared position on the illegal Jewish settlement­s.

But what if Palestinia­ns decided to use popular, non-violent and democratic means to display resistance? They did, and were still condemned for it. In 2016, the Canadian Parliament overwhelmi­ngly voted in favor of a motion that condemned the Palestinia­n Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement. Since then, anti-BDS policy has become a fixture in the government’s attitude toward the Palestinia­ns.

Last month, in a speech Trudeau made to apologize for Canada’s immoral act of rejecting Jewish refugees escaping Nazi atrocities in 1939, he directly linked BDS with antisemiti­sm. “Antisemiti­sm is still far too present,” he said, as “Jewish students still feel unwelcomed and uncomforta­ble on some of our colleges and university campuses because of BDS-related intimidati­on.”

Linking BDS with his country’s disgracefu­l antisemiti­sm against refugees decades ago might have been a masterful stroke by his pro-Israeli speech writers. However, swapping historic hate for Jews with modern hate for Palestinia­ns shows Canada has learned nothing from its sordid past.

Trudeau and his government will certainly be judged by future generation­s, just as his predecesso­rs were judged for their past sins, for choosing, despite the passage of time, to stand on the wrong side of history.

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