Arab News

Independen­ts dominate lawyers’ body elections in Lebanon

10,000 lawyers are listed in Lebanese Bar Associatio­n from all of country

- Najia Houssari Beirut A student protester is thrown into the air by his colleagues during ongoing protests against the government in Beirut. AP

The popular protests in Lebanon for the 32nd consecutiv­e day against the “corrupt authority” succeeded in liberating the elections of the bar associatio­n from party control, as the major parties’ supporters voted for independen­t candidates on Sunday. The result was a complete surprise.

The winner was Melhem Khalaf, a civil society and social activist. Until recently, the position of president of the bar associatio­n was occupied by party lawyers, often from the Free Patriotic Movement headed by Minister Gebran Bassil. At least 10,000 lawyers are listed in the Lebanese Bar Associatio­n from all of country except for the north, which has its own bar. Lawyer George Nakhla of the Free Patriotic Movement announced his withdrawal from the elections a few hours before the ballot boxes were opened. Lawyer Sami Gemayel said that Nakhla’s withdrawal was due to the fact that he stood no chance of winning. In the first round, five candidates were elected to the bar council, including three independen­ts, of whom two got the highest votes: Melhem Khalaf and Nader Gaspard. In the second round of the elections the major parties divided their votes between Khalaf and Gaspard. As a result, Hezbollah, Amal Movement, and Kataeb voted for Khalaf, while the other parties voted for Gaspard.

“No one will shatter our dreams and we desire to renew and modernize the bar that we will make a role model, we all compete to serve the bar,” Khalaf said before announcing his victory.

After his victory Khalaf saluted “all freedom lovers and protectors of democracy,” and said that “this scene will extend to the whole country for a renewal of all institutio­ns along democratic lines so that it would be a bulwark that protects people and ensures the establishm­ent of a just state.” Lawyers in the headquarte­rs of the bar associatio­n chanted “revolution revolution,” and chanted the Lebanese national anthem. Activist Karam Al-Hassania, 23, who has been staying in a tent in Martyrs’ Square in the heart of Beirut since the beginning of the protests more than a month ago, believes that “many things have been accomplish­ed by the revolution and many things have changed so far. People have begun to accept the other, we have broken the sectarian barrier, we have seen more people joining our movement or supporting us from afar, this confirms that people are coming out of the party’s mantle because they know that our suffering is the same.”

Elie Yazbek, 24, a graphic design student, said: “Over the days, we are gaining more sympathy from the people and more harassment by the authoirite­s.”

Protesters in Beirut prepared to commemorat­e Lebanon’s independen­ce in their own way on Nov. 22. The Associatio­n of Lebanese Artists for Painting and Sculpture called on a number of artists on Sunday to draw paintings to express “independen­ce in our way.” Painters scattered paint on the sidewalks leading to Riad El-Solh Square, the entrances to its buildings and the perimeter of the Grand Teatro that was destroyed during the civil war.

Dana Halwani painted “Revolution as a Female.” Majida Shaaban painted “Independen­ce in acrylic,” a city whose land, trampled by a girl with a Lebanese flag, emerges toward a new dawn. Jihad Nasser Al-Din painted wires that had been cut, and the map of Lebanon emerging from darkness to light.

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