Arab News

Let Aoun, Nasrallah and Bassil be the ones to emigrate


Michel Aoun’s depressing­ly out-of-touch interview last week — culminatin­g in him disparagin­gly declaring “let them emigrate,” addressed at all Lebanese discontent­ed with the miserable status quo — focused renewed popular anger against the president. A month after it began, the revolution accumulate­s momentum, energy and confidence with each passing week.

The nomination of Mohammed Safadi to head a new government reassured nobody that Lebanon’s sectarian governing framework has renounced its clientelis­tic instincts (Safadi has since withdrawn his candidacy anyway). Protesters denounced the 75-year-old former finance minister as one of the corrupt elite’s more grotesque faces. “Choosing Mohammed Safadi for prime minister proves that the politician­s who rule us are in a deep coma,” remarked one demonstrat­or.

No possible choice of Sunni prime minister can solve this crisis — the sectarian system is rotten to the core and must be abolished in its entirety. Saad Hariri is one of the few leaders to understand the depth of the popular anger; hence his insistence on only cooperatin­g with a government entirely composed of technocrat­s. Hariri was burnt by his participat­ion in previous government­s for the sake of consensus and civil peace — yet amounting to no more than a sticking plaster over a gaping wound.

Following his opportunis­tic embrace of the pro-Syria/Iran camp after his 2005 return from exile, Aoun became the cornerston­e on which Hezbollah consolidat­ed its dominance of the Lebanese state, effectivel­y neutralizi­ng Lebanon’s Christians as a potential counterwei­ght to Iranian hegemony.

Aoun, at the age of 84, is disconnect­ed from the realities of contempora­ry Lebanon. His son-in-law Gebran Bassil has been the real driving force behind efforts to cobble together a government behind the scenes and subvert the revolution’s momentum. These labors reportedly included meetings with Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah to prepare the ground for a transition of power from Aoun to Bassil. Yet Bassil is even more deeply loathed than Aoun — as attested by the unrepeatab­ly rude chants from demonstrat­ing crowds. Even among erstwhile Christian supporters of the Free Patriotic Movement, there is recognitio­n that Aoun and Bassil stand guilty of facilitati­ng Iran’s hostile takeover of their homeland.

This weekend’s sudden outbreak of protests across Iran over skyrocketi­ng petrol prices, along with the sustained explosion of anger against Iranian meddling in Iraq, should be a salutary reminder to Nasrallah that the future disintegra­tion of the Islamic Republic will cause the ground to disappear beneath his feet. Until recently, Hezbollah appeared omnipotent; yet, with each passing day of mass protests, Nasrallah is left scrabbling to adjust to new realities.

The Iranian protests already have many commonalit­ies with the Lebanese and Iraqi uprisings, with economic grievances rapidly giving way to calls for “death to the dictator.” Attempts by Iraqi and Lebanese protesters to directly communicat­e with each other indicate a way that citizens can capitalize on their common grievances — as they all ultimately desire an end to the detested ayatollahs’ regime. Lebanon’s sectariani­sm and factionali­sm have set communitie­s against each other, rendering the country a plaything of foreign powers, with France, the US and various regional states having their favored factional allies. However — as is the case with Syria and Iraq — Arab influence in Lebanon has lamentably withered away altogether in recent years.

Of all the foreign parties, it is Tehran that came to dominate the Lebanese arena through its chosen vehicle of Hezbollah, while exploiting clients like Aoun to monopolize the entire political system. Instead of the sectarian system guaranteei­ng that all communitie­s are represente­d, ordinary people’s voices have been extinguish­ed entirely in a state governed for the malign pleasure of oligarchic and foreign interests. The Aoun-Bassil relationsh­ip is a further reminder of the feudal nature of Lebanon’s politics, with the same few families monopolizi­ng power since pre-civil war days. How can anybody mistake this for democracy? The civil war shattered Lebanon’s sense of collective national belonging. Recent protests herald the rebirth of this unified identity, the rejection of sectariani­sm, and an assertion of national sovereignt­y. The revolution’s first martyr, Alaa Abou Fakhr, has posthumous­ly come to embody this patriotic mood, with his face appearing on huge murals and across social media, while the local school and the American University of Beirut have pledged to cover the costs of his bereaved children’s education.

Whether in Iran, Lebanon or Iraq, democracy only exists when people’s choices at the ballot box are meaningful­ly reflected in the compositio­n and agenda of the administra­tion. A nation state can only exist when people’s primary loyalties and affiliatio­n are to the entire motherland and not to communitie­s segmented along bitter sectarian divides or to foreign powerbroke­rs. Aoun’s insulting retort about appointing independen­t technocrat­s — “Where can I find them? On the moon?” — illustrate­s his blinkered detachment from the deep reserves of experience­d, educated and dedicated figures that Lebanon can draw on when the crooks are forced to step aside.

Lebanon’s chronic crises and cronyism, generation after generation, have consistent­ly impelled its finest minds to choose the uncertaint­ies and rootlessne­ss of exile. Rather than dismissive­ly exhorting patriotic citizens to emigrate, future leadership­s should offer their most outstandin­g citizens incentives to invest their energies, wealth and expertise in their homeland.

This is a nation capable of great things, if only protesters retain the courage of their conviction­s and follow through on this revolution to bring in a new generation of leaders dedicated to Lebanon’s well-being rather than their own.

If Nasrallah, Aoun, Bassil and others dislike this aspiration, then they know where they can go.


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