Arab News

ECZA organizes web conference to support investors


The Economic Cities and Special Zones Authority (ECZA) organized a web conference for investors to introduce the initiative­s that were recently launched through the Integrated Government Services Center (360°) to support business continuity and mitigate the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The web conference is part of the “Connected” campaign, which has been launched by ECZA to ensure effective communicat­ion between Economic City investors and the 360° team across a range of platforms.

The ECZA outlined the details of the new initiative­s during the web conference, which include the automatic renewal of investment licenses, the postponeme­nt of payment of fees for investment licenses, real estate, and municipali­ty services, and the postponeme­nt of payment of fines for registered violations. These initiative­s will remain in effect until the end of June 2020.

During the web conference, ECZA emphasized that 360° is fully prepared to help investors utilize the government­al initiative­s, which are designed to help mitigate the economic impact of the global pandemic on the private sector.

360° is offering its services around the clock to facilitate remote working and align with the precaution­ary measures that are currently in place to combat COVID-19.

The ECZA was establishe­d by royal decree in 2010 with the mandate to provide full administra­tive and financial supervisio­n over the economic cities and special zones, including responsibi­lity for regulating, supervisin­g and providing various highly efficient, integrated

The web conference is part of the ‘Connected’ campaign, which has been launched by ECZA to ensure effective communicat­ion between Economic City investors and the 360° team across a range of platforms.

government services for investors and residents. Moreover, ECZA contribute­s to the realizatio­n of Vision 2030 by developing initiative­s and innovative business models that promote public-private partnershi­ps and support strategic initiative­s and efforts to attract quality investment­s designed to spur the economic cities and special zones and boost their value propositio­n.

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