Arab News

Unofficial G20 engagement group launched


A diverse group of organizati­ons and experts from around the world have come together to establish Values 20 ( V20) as an unofficial engagement group among the G20 ecosystem, with a mission to demonstrat­e the “value of values.” V20 has formed three taskforces: Global Values, addressing how values can contribute to achieving societal and economic objectives; Leadership Values, assessing how values can improve organizati­onal outcomes; and Quality of Life Values, focusing on how to enhance people’s well-being.

The taskforces will work collective­ly, consult their networks, carry out research, develop policy briefs and present their findings at an annual V20 Summit.

“In keeping with the G20’s ethos of internatio­nal cooperatio­n … we’re glad to be helping launch Values 20 as an unofficial engagement group during the year when Saudi Arabia is chairing the G20,” said Dimah Al-Sheikh, V20 chair and executive manager of Misk Values.

“V20 will mirror the collaborat­ive, bottom-up approach of the other G20 engagement groups to facilitate debate, and communicat­e findings to the leaders,” she added.

“V20 members believe in the pivotal role of values in shaping people’s behavior, improving societal outcomes and even helping to overcome global challenges. By bringing together thinkers and doers, V20 demonstrat­es the value of values to decision-makers in government, business and beyond, but equally importantl­y to people. V20 will show that values-based policies can improve people’s lives around the world.”

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