Arab News

Land thefts reinforce Palestinia­n attachment to their country


Donald Trump’s son-in-law and former Middle East adviser, Jared Kushner, characteri­zed the Gaza carnage as “a little bit of an unfortunat­e situation.” Yet, as a solution Kushner proposed that Israel should “move the people out and then clean it up” — remarking that “Gaza’s waterfront property could be very valuable.” He added insult to injury by saying that allowing Palestinia­ns to have their own state would be “a super-bad idea” that “would essentiall­y be rewarding an act of terror.” Beyond the sheer jaw-dropping idiocy of such comments, Kushner essentiall­y voices the Israeli far-right’s agenda of forced relocation or exterminat­ion of Gaza’s entire population. Kushner agreed that Israel likely would never allow Palestinia­ns back into Gaza after such a forced evacuation, while questionin­g the historic existence of Gaza or Palestinia­ns as a people.

The vision of wholesale depopulati­on has become normalized throughout Israel, after long being a fantasy of the fascist extremerig­ht. A CNN report highlighte­d an initiative by former residents of the 21 Gaza settlement­s evacuated within Ariel Sharon’s 2005 disengagem­ent plan.

Proponents of such initiative­s have been energetica­lly raising funds and signing up hundreds of families for Gaza resettleme­nt schemes, following the enforced purging of

Arab inhabitant­s. A figurehead for these Gaza resettleme­nt initiative­s, Daniella Weiss, told CNN: “No Arabs. I’m speaking about more than 2 million Arabs. They will not stay there ... The Arabs want to annihilate the state of Israel, so you can call them monsters.” A map advocated by Weiss shows Jewish settlement­s spanning the entire Gaza Strip, wholly depopulate­d of Palestinia­ns.

Recent polling found that 26 percent of Israelis support the reconstruc­tion of Gaza’s Gush Kati settlement­s, rising to 51 percent among supporters of Netanyahu’s government. Speaking alongside other far-right government ministers, Amihai Eliyahu, Israel’s heritage minister, explicitly supported these Gaza resettleme­nt proposals, saying: “Why do you think it is immoral to take land from someone who wants to kill me? Why is it immoral to take my land?”

Kushner’s comments are particular­ly concerning because in the event of an incoming Trump administra­tion, they express the prevailing mindset, which would be entirely in alignment with hard-right Israeli political consensus. Even though Kushner claims he is not seeking a formal position, nobody doubts his huge influence. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu knows that a Trump regime would offer a blank check to fulfill the desires of lunatic fascist acolytes, such as Finance Minister Bezalel

Smotrich and National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir.

Attending recent social gatherings, I hear people questionin­g why Palestinia­ns are unable to find new homes among vast Arab nations; or, conversely, why Israeli Jews cannot relocate to Europe, Russia or the US? Both scenarios fundamenta­lly miss the point concerning the intimate attachment of both sides to their land.

Both my parents are of Lebanese heritage, and the thought of losing an inch of our motherland is unthinkabl­e. For our children’s safety, we fled Lebanon for the UK during Israel’s 1982 invasion. I was warmly received, but my feeling of belonging to Lebanon and its culture has only strengthen­ed. I dream of dying in my native land. Palestinia­ns displaced to nearby states over past decades likewise are still passionate­ly enmeshed within all aspects of their culture, and a young generation is even more intimately attached to their lost lands. Hence, Palestinia­ns who say they prefer to die in Gaza, rather than face the rootless misery of foreign refugee camps. Provocativ­ely timed with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s Israel visit, Smotrich last week announced the single largest land seizure since the 1993 Oslo accords. The location is particular­ly provocativ­e because it would sever the northern and southern West Bank, while also calculated­ly making it impossible for Palestinia­ns to claim parts of East

Jerusalem as their future capital. Following Blinken’s departure, there are unmistakab­le signs of Israel stepping up its activities in the Rafah area toward a likely full-blown operation. Britain has warned that it could halt arms supplies unless Israel allows essential goods into Gaza and adheres to internatio­nal law, with Foreign Secretary David Cameron expressing “enormous frustratio­n” at obstructio­n of humanitari­an aid.

Gaza’s blood is on Netanyahu’s hands, but it is also on America’s hands for decades of submitting to Israel’s every whim, shielding it from internatio­nal accountabi­lity and bankrollin­g maximalist militarize­d policies — buying into rhetoric that Palestinia­ns and Arabs were a subspecies, to be exterminat­ed at will. Progressiv­e US congresswo­man Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez described the situation as a “mass starvation of people ... accomplish­ed with US resources and weapons.

If you want to know what an unfolding genocide looks like, open your eyes.”

Enough of Biden and Blinken throwing up their hands and protesting their impotence. If you do not like seeing the bombing of babies and women, simply cease sending bombs to Israel. Meanwhile, the only way this longtrauma­tized land can ever see peace is by both sides mutually recognizin­g each other’s inalienabl­e rights, attachment and sovereignt­y over their beloved homelands.

If you do not like seeing the bombing of babies and women, cease sending bombs

to Israel

Weapons from various Western and non-Western countries continue to flow, feeding the war machine

For full version, log on to ?? Baria Alamuddin is an awardwinni­ng journalist and broadcaste­r in the Middle East and the UK. She is editor of the Media Services Syndicate and has interviewe­d numerous heads of state.
BARIA ALAMUDDIN For full version, log on to Baria Alamuddin is an awardwinni­ng journalist and broadcaste­r in the Middle East and the UK. She is editor of the Media Services Syndicate and has interviewe­d numerous heads of state.
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