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Marathon singing, vigils and pre-dawn procession­s as Filipinos celebrate Holy Week

Many traditions are a blend of folk customs and Spanish colonial influences

- Samantha Beltran Manila

As Christians around the world celebrate Holy Week, Filipinos are observing their unique traditions, which will culminate on Sunday with Easter.

In the largest Christian-majority nation in Asia, where over 85 million people identify as Catholic, folk traditions have blended with more than 300 years of Spanish colonial influences, leading to unique expression­s and observance­s of faith.

One of the most enduring yet extreme examples is senakulo, a street drama, where men flagellate and, in some cases, nail themselves to the cross as an act of penance.

But not all Filipino Catholics adhere to these practices, instead engaging in other traditions.

They began the observance of Holy Week with Palm Sunday last week, when churchgoer­s brought palm branches to be blessed by priests.

The palm branch symbolizes victory, peace and eternal life and once they receive blessing,

Filipinos put them up at home either as decor or by windows or doorways to ward off bad spirits. “The Holy Week allows me to impart the importance of this occasion to my children, now that they’re a little bit older,” said Edgie Ruiz for whom the annual holiday is an opportunit­y to reconnect with loved ones.

“This is also the time when our relatives who live far away come to spend time with us, which is something I always look forward to.” The bulk of religious traditions begins on Holy Thursday, the day during Holy Week that commemorat­es the Last Supper. It is observed with a custom during which the priest washes the feet of 12 people. Ruiz was one of those chosen to take part in the ritual at his local parish in Hermosa, Bataan province.

“My grandfathe­r used to participat­e in this tradition,” he said. “The priest chooses common, everyday people to take part.”

Another tradition on Holy Thursday is the Visita Iglesia — visiting at least seven different churches to pray.

Gerald Gloton, who resides in

Pampanga province 83 km north of Manila, has been practicing the Visita Iglesia tradition since childhood.

“The Visita Iglesia is very important for me because it unites our family. We visit various churches that depict the importance of faith, heritage, and culture,” he said. Pampanga is known for its strong Catholic traditions, including several historical churches dating back to the Spanish colonial period — another aspect that Gloton looks forward to in this annual ritual. “Aside from the spiritual reflection and family bonding, I also look forward to the intricate details and architectu­re of our churches which are regarded as structural treasures,” he said.

While some Filipino communitie­s have adopted Western practices such as hunting Easter eggs on Sunday morning, one of the most anticipate­d rituals is the salubong, or welcoming, a pre-dawn Easter ritual.

A chorus of children, sometimes singing from hanging platforms to give the illusion of flying in mid-air, sing to herald the occasion.

For Crystal Arcega from Batangas, south of Manila, the ritual’s atmosphere is the most joyous of all.

“It’s when the baby angels throw confetti and wave their wands, and the choir sings. That’s when the Easter Mass starts, and the church lights are turned on,” she said.

“It’s a beautiful moment and worth waking up early for.”

After Easter Mass, Filipino families will gather over celebrator­y meals and delicacies.

The rice cakes sold in front of churches, such as the suman and tamales — delicacies wrapped in banana leaves — are a must-have after the mass.

At home, they are followed by fried chicken, braised meat dishes in a tangy-sweet sauce, and karekare — a rich oxtail peanut stew.

This is also the time when our relatives who live far away come to spend time with us, which is something I always look forward to.

 ?? AFP ?? Actors dressed as women of Jerusalem and Roman soldiers walk along a street during the Holy Week celebratio­ns in Manila.
AFP Actors dressed as women of Jerusalem and Roman soldiers walk along a street during the Holy Week celebratio­ns in Manila.

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