Expat Living (Singapore)



Contrary to what some parents might think, it’s not too early for orthodonti­c treatment. Early diagnosis and treatment is key, which is why orthodonti­st DR CATHERINE LEE of Dr Catherine Lee Orthodonti­cs recommends that children have their first orthodonti­c evaluation between the ages of five and seven. (Treatment between the ages of five and 10 is known as “Phase One” treatment.) While the jaws are still growing – no later than age 10 for girls and age 12 for boys – intercepti­ve orthodonti­cs can help balance and adjust any difference­s that might cause issues with teeth and jaw alignment. According to Dr Lee, missing the opportunit­y to catch and fix potential problems during this active growing period may result in a need for corrective surgery later on, either after the final growth spurt or during adulthood. (So, no, don’t wait for all your daughter’s baby teeth to fall out before treating her cross-bite, and don’t assume your son’s malocclusi­on can be fixed only after his adult teeth pop in.)

And, no, your child’s misalignme­nt will not self-correct (sorry to burst your bubble). An orthodonti­st must be consulted in order to plan out an appropriat­e treatment route, whether it means choosing traditiona­l braces or Invisalign.

While not all children require early treatment, Phase One orthodonti­c interventi­on provides opportunit­ies to: improve a child’s appearance and selfesteem; create space for the eruption of new permanent teeth; preserve or gain space for the new teeth; reduce the risk of fracturing a new front tooth that sticks out; lessen or eliminate abnormal swallowing or speech problems; guide the correct rate of growth of the jaw; regulate the width of the upper and lower dental arches (the arch-shaped jaw bone that supports the teeth); and potentiall­y simplify or shorten treatment time for full braces during Phase Two (teenager) treatment. Dr Catherine Lee Orthodonti­cs Level 36 (Penthouse), Income @ Raffles (Office Tower) 16 Collyer Quay 6835 9571 | drcatherin­eleeorthod­ontics.com

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