Prestige (Singapore)

Francis choi

蔡志明early light internatio­nal旭日国际68岁 US$5.7 billion 57亿美元


Armed with an expansive portfolio of prime real estate in China, Hong Kong and Macau, Francis Choi ranks 12th richest in Hong Kong and 219th in the world. His toy- making empire Early Light Internatio­nal, believed to be the world’s largest toy manufactur­er, fuelled his fortune in real estate in the early 2000s. Choi is also the vice- chairman of Regal Hotels Internatio­nal and owns stakes in Town Health Internatio­nal Medical Group, a healthcare chain. He is an avid watch collector and owns the Halewinner horology chain. 福布斯世界富豪榜排名­219,香港富豪榜排名第12。坐拥中国、香港及澳门三地黄金地­段中无数的房地产。创立的旭日国际,相信是世界最大的玩具­制造商,也是他2000年时期­进军房地产业时的坚强­后盾。他也是富豪国际酒店集­团的副主席、医疗保健连锁康健国际­医疗集团的股东。热衷收藏钟表,也是钟表连锁店喜运佳­集团老板。

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