VOGUE (Singapore) - Vogue Singapore Man


With modern dating culture becoming a uniquely challengin­g ocean of possibilit­ies to wade through, could AI be the solution to all our romantic woes? We asked everyone’s favourite zeitgeist, ChatGPT, to generate the ultimate opening pick-up lines to sprin


For the passionate chef

If you were a vegetable, you’d surely be a cutecumber.

May I whisk you away for a romantic candlelit dinner?

I’m no Gordon Ramsay, but I think we make a perfect pairing.

Turn down the pressure cooker, because I feel the heat steaming between us.

For the corporate casanova

Are you a lawyer? Because I’m guilty of falling for you.

You should become a doctor, because seeing you just cured my loneliness.

I love that you’re an entreprene­ur, because I’d sure like to start up something with you.

I may not know anything about hedge funds or stocks, but I do know that I’m ready to invest in you.

For the wandering adventurer

Excuse me, is your name Google Maps? Because I think I just got lost in your eyes.

Hey, do you believe in love at first flight?

You must be a travel adapter because I’m feeling a real connection.

You remind me of my passport, because life with you seems like it would be an adventure.

For the avid book lover

Are you the Oxford dictionary? Because you add a lot of meaning to my life.

Would you like to become the protagonis­t in my love story?

You have bewitched me body and soul… and I… I love your profile.

You must be a mystery novel, because I can’t wait to figure you out.

For the gym enthusiast

Are you offering a gym membership? Because I’m ready to sign up to you.

Is it hot in here or is it just the cardio you’re doing?

I may not be a gym enthusiast like you, but I have a feeling we’re going to work out.

Do you need a spotter? Because I’ll always have your back.

For the cheesy romantic

Are you related to Houdini by any chance? Because since I’ve seen you, everyone else has disappeare­d.

Do you have a sunburn or have you always been this hot?

Do you have a last name or can I give you mine?

Can I borrow a band-aid please? I just scraped my knee falling for you.

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