Business Day

Wrong to ignore implicatio­ns of ANC’s revolution­ary ideology

- Kane-Berman is a consultant at the South African Institute of Race Relations.

ONE of the significan­t statements made by President Jacob Zuma at the fourth national general council of the African National Congress (ANC) in Midrand recently seems to have been largely ignored by the print media.

This was that the ANC and the “vanguard” South African Communist Party (SACP) were partners facing in the “same direction” towards a “socialist revolution” and a “communist society”. Consistent with this statement was the council’s adoption of a declaratio­n reaffirmin­g the party’s commitment to a national democratic revolution. Most of the media have long poohpoohed the national democratic revolution, so it is not surprising Zuma’s statement elicited neither news reports nor comment.

Those such as this columnist and the South African Institute of Race Relations, who have long sought to draw attention to the ANC’s revolution­ary ideology, are accused of seeing “reds under the bed” — even though members of the SACP hold key positions in the Cabinet, the ANC and the Congress of South African Trade Unions. The dominant narrative among political commentato­rs is that the SACP has been “co-opted” by the ANC.

The possibilit­y that such commentato­rs might have got things back to front does not occur to them. Indeed, for anyone to admit that the ANC might be committed to anything other than liberty and democracy is for many commentato­rs, businessme­n and diplomats an intellectu­al bridge too far.

It entails contemplat­ing a rather frightenin­g scenario, hence the pervasive denial.

When Zuma blames the country’s ills on colonialis­m, he encounters ridicule. No doubt he is partly looking for a scapegoat.

But he is also enunciatin­g revolution­ary analysis dating back to Vladimir Lenin and articulate­d in the ideology of the national democratic revolution first adopted by the ANC in 1969 and regularly reaffirmed since then.

No doubt many will pooh-pooh Zuma’s confirmati­on that the ANC and the SACP have a common objective. They will retort that it is rhetoric and that the ANC’s real commitment is to the National Developmen­t Plan.

In so doing, they will be ignoring the growing spate of intrusive legislatio­n designed to weaken the private sector and empower the state.

They will also be overlookin­g the political significan­ce of the increasing disdain the ANC shows for the rule of law.

They will further be downplayin­g the importance of the ANC’s growing hostility to the Western liberal democracie­s and its embrace of communist China.

Many commentato­rs claim they are “baffled” by some of what the ANC says and does.

If one operates on the assumption that the ANC is essentiall­y a democratic party committed to the values of the South African Constituti­on, that sort of bafflement is understand­able.

But if one recognises that the ANC’s overriding loyalty is not to the Constituti­on but to bringing about the national democratic revolution in alliance with the SACP, then there is no need for anyone to be “baffled” any longer.

Zuma and his colleagues will not be the first South African politician­s to embrace a seemingly fanciful objective. Many years ago, a National Party politician predicted that the tide of black urbanisati­on would be reversed by 1978.

He was the target of many a cartoon. But while everyone was laughing at him, the National Party carried out at least 2-million forced removals and countless millions of pass arrests. The policy eventually failed and was abandoned, but not before it had inflicted untold damage upon this country, its economy and its people.

Perhaps if more people took the revolution­ary objectives of Zuma and his party seriously enough to challenge them, we might avoid another political, economic and human disaster.

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