Business Day

The business of transforma­tion


As sections of the governing party become more antibusine­ss and antimarket, the “antitransf­ormation” accusation has increasing­ly become one of the sticks with which to beat business.

It tends to be the instrument of choice of politician­s such as Mineral Resources Minister Mosebenzi Zwane, who pulled out the “antitransf­ormation” stick this week in the face of a court challenge to his new Mining Charter, on the grounds that it would do irreparabl­e damage to the sector whose fortunes Zwane is supposed to champion.

Chances are that the ANC’s policy conference this weekend could have some of the party’s delegates urging more of the same for other sectors, potentiall­y further denting investor confidence and economic growth — all of which makes business’s transforma­tion interventi­on this week timely and crucially important.

It is the first time that organised business, across all sectors of the economy, has united behind a commitment and approach to transforma­tion.

It is the first time, too, that organised business, represente­d by Business Unity SA, has explicitly recognised that not nearly enough has been done to transform the economy and has critically evaluated the policies and achievemen­ts so far — suggesting where they have gone wrong and what shifts are needed in order to deracialis­e SA’s economy more effectivel­y, in a way that at the same time makes it more competitiv­e and dynamic and creates more jobs.

Business Unity SA, which is the apex body representi­ng sectoral bodies, chambers of commerce and other business organisati­ons, has spent more than six months crafting what it calls a “comprehens­ive approach to deracialis­ing the South African economy”.

It has the buy-in of all its members. It seeks to collaborat­e with the government, organised labour and other social partners to take transforma­tion forward.

Importantl­y, it has defined transforma­tion as something that must and would put SA’s economy on a higher growth trajectory, rather than as something that would act as a drag on growth. That business is taking ownership of the challenge of tackling the racial divides within the economy and within companies is significan­t in itself.

The government has tended to impose rules, regulation­s, charters and legislatio­n on business. Business, as a result, has often adopted what Business Unity SA calls a numerical, compliance-based approach to transforma­tion.

If businesses see themselves as agents of transforma­tion in their own right, it could make for a much more effective and less tick-box approach.

The Business Unity SA document identifies “enabling a transforma­tive culture within business” as one of the key enablers to deracialis­ing the economy. The other enablers it identifies are demand-led skills developmen­t, enterprise developmen­t support and employment promotion, particular­ly of youth.

Business Unity SA argues that the ownership transactio­ns done so far have largely failed to deliver meaningful control and value to black people, handing over minority equity stakes — at huge expense to companies and their existing shareholde­rs — which do not end up conferring much influence to their black shareholde­rs, nor much economic value.

Combine that with the fact that funding for black economic empowermen­t transactio­ns is becoming more constraine­d, and it is surely time for a fundamenta­l reassessme­nt of the ownership aspect of black empowermen­t.

Genuinely deracialis­ing the economy, in other words, also means restructur­ing the economy in ways that could only be good for growth.

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