Business Day

Open letter calls for smart debate on Bank’s duties

- Moyagabo Maake Financial Services Writer maakem@businessli­

Influentia­l academics and economists have written an open letter, calling for a halt to attacks on the Reserve Bank and asked that debates on its mandate be conducted by experts in the open.

Altogether 76 academics and economists — among them Neva Makgetla, Lumkile Mondi and Steven Friedman — said Public Protector Busisiwe Mkhwebane’s remedial action for the Bank’s apartheid-era lifeboat to Bankorp was “startling”.

Mkhwebane has directed Parliament to amend the Reserve Bank’s constituti­onal mandate to focus on the socioecono­mic wellbeing of citizens, from its current one of protecting the value of the currency in the interests of balanced and sustainabl­e economic growth, a move that the Reserve Bank has taken on judicial review.

“In no case that we are aware of is a central bank’s mandate spared the responsibi­lity of price stability, however phrased, whatever other objectives are included,” they said. “To exclude price stability from a central bank’s objective in favour of some poorly conceived reference to ‘socioecono­mic wellbeing’ is incomprehe­nsible and plainly irresponsi­ble.”

The “unexpected and unwarrante­d” remedial action raised questions about what mandate was appropriat­e for a central bank in an emerging economy such as SA, which was a complex debate, they said.

“Some academics and economists will be pleased with the exclusive price stability mandate of the Reserve Bank.

“Others will argue for a broader mandate, including growth and employment, alongside price stability.”

The group said some combinatio­n of price stability, growth and employment was in the mandate of the US Federal Reserve and the Reserve Bank of Australia, among others.


At Reserve Bank had not responded to questions regarding the open letter at the time of publicatio­n.

The Reserve Bank sets and implements monetary policy, with its inflation target set and agreed to with the government. It also supervises the banking sector, manages the national payment system and issues banknotes and coins, among other responsibi­lities.

The group of academics and economists said a debate about the Reserve Bank’s mandate would have to be properly constitute­d and conducted through the proper institutio­ns, such as a parliament­ary inquiry in which expert testimony and internatio­nal experience would be aired.

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