Business Day

Poverty can be reduced


It is clear that income inequality is an intractabl­e problem in SA, but we can do something to alleviate the plight of the poor.

The most obvious, which can be accomplish­ed with minimum effort, is to reduce voice and data costs — the poor spend disproport­ionately more of their income on communicat­ions.

Meaningful and efficientl­y managed incentives should be introduced to encourage investment to reduce unemployme­nt. This must be done within a tight deadline, so no “bosberaads” are necessary.

Make it a requiremen­t for listed companies to disclose the total compensati­on paid to their average employee versus their executives, and name and shame those where the disparity is egregious. This will soon be a requiremen­t in the UK. Of itself this won’t do much to alleviate the problem, but it will send a powerful message.

The former finance minister said recently that R100bn is lost to corruption each year, which could have been used to bolster social grants. So with clean governance the plight of the poor could be significan­tly improved. The social grant system is a positive legacy of the ANC that is being destroyed by corruption and self-enrichment.

The level of corporate and individual taxation in SA is already too high, so little can be done there. Any further increase will paradoxica­lly give rise to even less revenue being collected due to evasion, emigration and reduced investment.

Politician­s, especially the DA and EFF, should not spend so much of their time underminin­g the government and running to court on service delivery issues.

Much more should be done to roll out e-learning, which is far less costly and might be a more effective method of learning. Data centres should be set up in rural areas to facilitate access by disadvanta­ged students. One of the founders of Google said a few years ago that in 15 years only 50% of traditiona­l brick and mortar universiti­es will still be in existence. Students should be encouraged not to enrol for liberal arts degrees. Up to 400,000 graduates are unemployed in SA, the vast majority from this cohort of graduates are liberal arts graduates.

It is essential that our citizens are trained to participat­e in the ever-evolving technologi­cal economy. Failure to do this will further exacerbate unemployme­nt and undermine our competitiv­eness in the world.

Emeritus Prof David Rosenberg

Via e-mail

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