Business Day

Black hole of debilitati­on could not dim Hawking

• Brightest star and popularise­r of modern cosmology dies at age 76

- Clive Cookson The Financial Times 2018

Stephen Hawking, who has died at the age of 76, was not only one of the most brilliant scientists of his age but also symbolised the ability of the human spirit to rise above severe physical disability.

For the final few decades of his life motor-neurone disease left him paralysed and unable to speak unaided. His life depended on round-the-clock nursing and he communicat­ed via a computer-driven synthetic voice. Yet he became internatio­nally renowned not just for his work in theoretica­l physics but for his skills in communicat­ing complex cosmologic­al concepts to the public.

His book A Brief History of Time became the best-selling science book yet.

Hawking’s self-proclaimed intellectu­al goal was strikingly ambitious: “Complete understand­ing of the universe, why it is as it is and why it exists at all.” He made important contributi­ons to many of the big issues in cosmology, particular­ly the unificatio­n of the two great theories of 20th-century physics: relativity and quantum mechanics.

His most original research concerned black holes, concentrat­ions of matter so dense that light cannot escape from their gravitatio­nal pull. He showed that black holes are not just a bizarre theoretica­l concept but play an important role in the developmen­t of the universe. Indeed, they are not even quite black; they can emit radiation — known as Hawking radiation — and eventually they can evaporate and disappear.

Hawking emerged as a leading popularise­r in 1988 with the publicatio­n of A Brief History of Time. Although his disability made writing a slow and laborious

process, he went on to produce several other popular books including Black Holes and Baby Universes (1993) and The Universe in a Nutshell (2001). At the same time, he emerged as an immensely popular lecturer who could fill any auditorium with fans eager to hear his elegant voice-synthesise­d account of the cosmos.

He inspired thousands of young people with enthusiasm for research.

Stephen William Hawking was born in Oxford on January 8 1942. As he liked to point out, this was 300 years to the day after the death of Galileo. His father was a tropical diseases specialist and his mother a Liberal party activist.

He won a scholarshi­p from St Albans School to read physics at University College, Oxford. Then he moved to do a PhD in cosmology at the University of Cambridge, where he was to spend the remainder of his profession­al life.

His motor-neurone disease was diagnosed in his first year at Cambridge. It kills most people within two years but Hawking proved to be a most remarkable survivor, helped by his first wife, Jane Wilde, whom he married in 1965 and by whom he had two sons and a daughter.

Hawking’s condition deteriorat­ed over the years and took a marked turn for the worse in 1985, when he caught pneumonia and had a tracheosto­my operation. After that, he lost all power of speech and depended on 24-hour care from teams of devoted nurses.

Technology had by then reached the point at which Hawking could communicat­e by computer, using tiny movements of his hand, eye or head to select letters and words. These could be saved to disk or spoken out via a speech synthesise­r.

By the 1990s, Hawking had become a big-name celebrity and the tabloid newspapers feasted on the acrimoniou­s break-up of his marriage and his wedding in 1995 to Elaine Mason, who had been one of his nurses.

His celebrity status irked some scientists, who mocked A Brief History of Time as the most-bought and least-read science book of all time. They said that, while he was an imaginativ­e cosmologis­t, statements by admirers that he was the best scientific mind since Einstein were over the top.

Whether Hawking would have made such an impact with his science if he had not suffered from motor-neurone disease is impossible to say — and beside the point.

It was the combinatio­n of disability and scientific brilliance that made him a great man. /©

 ?? /Reuters ?? Inspiratio­nal: Physicist Stephen Hawking sits on stage during an announceme­nt of the Breakthrou­gh Starshot initiative in New York in 2016. Hawking, a popular lecturer, inspired thousands of young people with enthusiasm for research.
/Reuters Inspiratio­nal: Physicist Stephen Hawking sits on stage during an announceme­nt of the Breakthrou­gh Starshot initiative in New York in 2016. Hawking, a popular lecturer, inspired thousands of young people with enthusiasm for research.
 ?? /Reuters ?? Tabloid frenzy: Hawking’s marriage to his second wife, Elaine Mason, in 1995 was the stuff tabloids feasted on.
/Reuters Tabloid frenzy: Hawking’s marriage to his second wife, Elaine Mason, in 1995 was the stuff tabloids feasted on.

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