Business Day





1 Gather together for a short prayer (7) 5 Annual check-up provided with emblem (5) 8 Such a jewel has not been reduced in price (5) 9 Returning, I take a long time with South African spear (7) 10 Dance venue is all right in prosperous time (8) 11 Security breach at Staffs town, we hear (4) 13 Viewer permitted a loophole (6) 15 Harmful substance found at post office by one boy (6) 18 Dishonoura­ble support (4) 19 Cabinet member to manage without promotion (8) 22 Least distant eastern trip (7) 23 Films Bruce regularly to inspire (5) 24 Foreign letter from some garrison (5) 25 Alien entry in journal concerning intake (7)


1 Sweet child starts to suss (7) 2 Look! US state nearby (5) 3 See irate characters in restaurant­s (8) 4 After unlimited steak, put lid back on drink container (6) 5 Mother’s final attempt to find sail support (4) 6 Sir gets wild, wild animal (7) 7 Search for loud danger (5) 12 Insert one shilling in phone to prepare for use (8) 14 Catch headless chook by drum (7) 16 Where to rear children, or plants? (7) 17 Herb and journalist made money (6) 18 Exclude girl with instrument (5) 20 Put back first-class section of bone (5) 21 Make a wager with a Greek character (4)



1 Accumulate (7) 5 Design (5) 8 Not abridged (5) 9 African spear (7) 10 Dancing venue (8) 11 Allow rain in (4) 13 Hole for a lace (6) 15 Toxic substance (6) 18 Bedrock (4) 19 Government official (8) 22 Least distant (7) 23 Deeply tinge (5) 24 Final Greek letter (5) 25 Concerning calorie intake (7)


1 Fall apart (7) 2 In the area (5) 3 Restaurant­s (8) 4 Brewing vessel (6) 5 Aerial support (4) 6 Female big cat (7) 7 Body-search (5) 12 Make readily available (8) 14 Catch in a trap (7) 16 Baby’s room (7) 17 Coined (6) 18 Fretted instrument (5) 20 Bone in the leg (5) 21 Letter following alpha (4)

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