Business Day

ANC an insult to Mandela


I can’t wait for July to end and all this doublespea­k about Nelson Mandela to stop. The ANC that undermined Mandela while he was alive is now insulting his memory. From Thabo Mbeki, with his AIDS denialism, to Kgalema Motlanthe, who blocked the Dalai Lama’s visit to SA, and the corrupt Jacob Zuma.

We now have an apologetic president in Cyril Ramaphosa, who wants to please everyone.

Mandela didn’t deny the existence of HIV and AIDS like Mbeki. He was an ambassador for HIV and AIDS.

He would have defended the Dalai Lama, unlike Motlanthe. He stood up against the Americans to defend his friendship with Cuba and Libya.

Mandela was a servant of the people, in contrast to Zuma. He would never have built an Nkandla using public money.

Mandela would not be on his knees before King Goodwill Zwelithini. He was not a coward. He was the leader of all South Africans and not one ethnic group. He hated the ethnic politics that has divided and destroyed Africa.

ANC leaders have no right to teach me about Mandela. Only Barack Obama and the Japanese soccer team can teach me about Mandela. Obama was not apologetic to the racist Tea Party, and he didn’t change his values to please them. The Japanese soccer team are full of respect for their opponents on and off the field, just as Mandela was.

Dr Lucas Ntyintyane

Via e-mail

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