Business Day

Rebels hope ally Turkey can limit Syrian attack

- Agency Staff Amman /Reuters

Syrian rebels bracing for battle in northwest Syria are pinning their hopes on ally Turkey to intervene with Russia and prevent an all-out Syrian government offensive that could deal a final blow to their seven-yearlong uprising.

President Bashar al-Assad has massed his army and allied forces on the front lines in the northwest and on Tuesday Russian planes joined his bombardmen­t of rebels there, the prelude to a possible assault.

The fate of the insurgent stronghold in and around Idlib province now seems to rest on a summit meeting to be held in Tehran on Friday between the leaders of Assad’s supporters — Russia and Iran — and the rebels’ ally Turkey.

“We realise the extent of vengeance and massacres that will befall us if they get our heads. They will slaughter us. The coming battle is to be or not to be,” said Mustafa Sejari, a Free Syrian Army (FSA) commander preparing for the offensive.

Backed by Russian air power, Assad has in recent years taken back one rebel enclave after another. Idlib and its surroundin­gs are now the only significan­t area where they remain in armed opposition to Damascus.

Rebels backed by Turkey also hold an adjacent zone in Syria along the border between the two countries where Ankara has helped them set up a local administra­tion. But they have not fought Assad from there.

With Idlib standing as the last active redoubt of the rebellion, the insurgents there say they have no choice but to fight to the end. Previous battles ended with defeated insurgents agreeing surrender deals that involved them being bused across the country to Idlib.

“There is no other Idlib to move to. We either die in the area or we resist until we win and stay,” said rebel official Mohammad Rasheed.

Sejari and Rasheed are from rebel factions that fought under the FSA banner — groups that have long been at odds with the jihadist factions that dominate in large parts of Idlib. The most powerful jihadist grouping in Idlib is the Tahrir al-Sham, spearheade­d by Al-Qaeda’s former Syrian affiliate previously known as the Nusra Front.

Rebels from Tahrir al-Sham and FSA said they had set aside their disputes to face the common enemy — the government.

Meanwhile, Russia says there is no option in northwest Syria but to root out the Nusra Front, calling the area “a terrorist nest“and “a festering abscess” that must be cleansed.

Turkey — along with the UN — classifies Tahrir al-Sham as a terrorist group but says any action should distinguis­h between it and civilians.

An attack would cause a massacre, it says.

In 2017, Turkey agreed with Russia and Iran to make Idlib a “de-escalation zone” of reduced conflict and sent in army units to erect a string of observatio­n posts along the front lines between the rebels and the Syrian army.

They now act as a tripwire in any major Syrian government assault, potentiall­y triggering a wider escalation with Turkey if there is no political deal.

Rebels briefed by Ankara on the Russia-Turkey talks on Idlib say it has offered them assurances it is working on a deal to avoid the saturation air strikes that paralysed everyday life in other enclaves where insurgents were forced to surrender.

They hope Ankara will maintain the arc of territory along the border from Afrin to Jarablus where it has set up a local administra­tion — a potential last refuge inside Syria for Assad’s opponents.

 ??  ?? Bashar al-Assad
Bashar al-Assad

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