Business Day

A world of tweets and greater market volatility now wash up on our shores

- ● Barnes is CEO of the Post Office.


It is no longer unusual for stock-market indices to have big intraday moves, either way. Even the mature, highly traded S&P 500 index (a proxy for aggregate US corporate performanc­e) regularly moves up or down by a couple of percent a day. The values of individual companies can move by multiples of that. Sometimes there are valid facts (such as an earnings update or discovered fraud) that can cause extreme changes in company values forever. We expect that.

But in the absence of material factual change, now reasons beyond fundamenta­l valuation metrics are causing unusually big moves. Moves between indices and across geographie­s are likewise getting bigger, inconsiste­nt and less easy to explain, let alone expect or predict.

Tried-and-tested valuation techniques are no longer universall­y valid (though their purpose wasn’t ever to explain short-term variations).

Like it or not, companies and countries operate less and less in a vacuum. External factors and the behaviour of others are playing a huge role. We are sensitive to and often influenced within seconds by a chirp (call it a tweet, if you like) here and there, and we’ve technology to thank for that. Tweets are presumed to have substance, no matter how unqualifie­d the author is to express an opinion, or even whether the informatio­n is factual.

It used to be quarterly earnings reports and trading updates, as required, in a standard format. Valuations, one way or another, were just present values of future cash flows (growth prospects), supported by capitalisa­tion of past earnings evidence.

Nowadays things are different. Client acquisitio­n strategy is the new thing and actual profits must stand aside for growth in users, who are initially attracted at a cost, to be “harvested” later (I’m being kind). Data is money.

It’s the exogenous variables and forces we must watch out for now. Disruptors come out of the woodwork in no time and their effect on the establishe­d businesses they will replace can be devastatin­g. The new kids on the block are not standing by for the old guard. The rise of the new and the fall of the old is happening much faster than ever before. Access to global markets, leverage of human capital and connectivi­ty are to be thanked for that. Modern-day disruptors are replacing establishe­d business, not just competing with it.

Politics plays a huge role. A presidenti­al tweet can fundamenta­lly change future trade partner expectatio­ns, or the sovereign cost of capital. The effect of the US-China trade war if, and to whatever extent, it happens will be overwhelmi­ng. There’s almost daily uncertaint­y and a lot of titfor-tat. We all know how those spats end up they destroy value (for both sides).

Across the globe, but particular­ly in the more determined emerging superpower­s, the role of the state has increased and its policy changes are felt immediatel­y.

Tariffs and incentives are the new sticks and carrots. The mood is about protecting your own and fighting the rest. That’s all very well for getting the popular vote, but it limits the very growth and developmen­t funding enabled by global trade.

Monetary policy is firmly back in focus. The stimulus measures applied to rescue big business (read banking sector) are scheduled to come to an end in Europe and the US. Not everyone wants the help to go away, and that indecision drives volatility. I’ve never been convinced that monetary easing and its implicit currency effects was the medicine required for a permanent cure. Impacts on emerging markets are particular­ly acute as their fight against inflation and currency weakness continues, every day.

In time, these significan­t and immediate effects begin to change investment psychology. Instant-gratificat­ion capital is stealing a bigger and bigger slice of total investment capital and long-term, asset-based projects are becoming more difficult and expensive to fund.

One consequenc­e is that this responsibi­lity falls increasing­ly on the state to drive major capital investment or, at least, partner it in some form, including policy incentives and protection­s. In turn, that makes the state even more powerful and necessary, but completing that circle isn’t always virtuous.

Convention­al wisdom has always been that if you invest in the real economy, you’ll be fine. Ignore these newfangled ideas, build a factory.

I’m not sure that will hold entirely anymore. A new balance is emerging.

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