Business Day




4 Go-ahead pawnbroker­s

may give you one (7)

8 Rose is involved in

basketwork (6)

9 It makes a man keen on money, and a woman on food (7)

10 A skilled mechanic is more

suitable (6)

11 Routed in a roundabout way

as a diversion (6)

12 Not a positive denial (8) 18 It may be taken to promote

good feeling (8)

20 Possibly go over a rut (6) 21 Possibly they’re staple items

made in potteries (6) 22 Concentrat­ed on treating

tennis elbow initially (7) 23 One eats it, as a matter of

course (6)

24 Registers the disks (7)


1 Go in for modified

coverage (7) 2 Grape-producer holds a

label to mark its year (7) 3 Daren’t become

passionate! (6)

5 A product of good

stock (8)

6 Put in charge at the

lemonade factory? (6) 7 Naturally, it raises awkward

points (6)

13 Put into liquidatio­n? (8) 14 Get into bad shape (7)

15 A complaint soon

spotted? (7)

16 Country writer (6) 17 Somehow led to nothing in a

Spanish city (6)

19 Easter is one, Christmas is

another (6)


Across: 1 Pull strings; 9 Age; 10 Memoranda; 11 Hoist; 13 Elation; 14 Occurs;

16 Assist; 18 Signs on; 19 Kayak; 20 Originate; 21 Man; 22 Countrysid­e.

Down: 2 Use; 3 Limit; 4 Temper; 5 Inroads; 6 Gentility; 7 Fashion show; 8 Painstakin­g; 12 Incognito; 15 Russian; 17 Unfair; 19 Keels; 21 Mad.

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