Business Day

A heavy-handed security-based approach to migration not justified

DA joins the fray in scapegoati­ng immigrants as the nexus of SA’s unemployme­nt and delivery problems

- ● Maunganidz­e, a strategist and legal expert, is head of special projects at the Institute for Security Studies. Ottilia Anna Maunganidz­e

Migration is a politicall­y charged and increasing­ly divisive issue, globally and in SA, where it is often so politicall­y charged that it turns violent. In May 2008, after years of simmering tensions, this manifested in the first bout of xenophobic violence. More than 60 people lost their lives. Hundreds fled their homes and many have not returned. In April 2015, similar violence erupted — more lives lost, more homes destroyed and many more displaced.

In the years between 2008 and 2015 and since, less widespread violence towards foreigners continued. The source of the tensions never really eased long enough to be fully forgotten.

Enter the DA. With a fiery mayor in Johannesbu­rg who infamously overstates the number of undocument­ed migrants in the city and repeatedly calls for “illegal migrants to leave [his] city”, the DA has identified “illegal immigratio­n” as a priority policy; a campaignin­g tool it hopes will help it win elections in 2019. Supposedly, the strategy has worked before.

Johannesbu­rg mayor Herman Mashaba campaigned for office with a promise to “clean up” the city of “illegal foreigners”. His stance — regarded as specifical­ly against African migrants — has been roundly criticised by political commentato­rs, but seems to resonate with communitie­s in the inner city and in townships. It comes as little surprise, then, that the DA’s recently launched policy reflects the stance Mashaba has taken and pushed in Johannesbu­rg. Speaking at the launch of the controvers­ial policy, Mashaba’s counterpar­t in Tshwane, Solly Msimanga, noted that it was being adopted because “the ANC has failed to secure our borders

to a point where it actively contribute­s to illegal immigratio­n”. Msimanga is in the running for the Gauteng premiershi­p and knows what traction this could get the party and him personally.

The DA argues the policy is desperatel­y needed, and once the “illegal immigratio­n” that is a result of “porous borders” and an ineffectiv­e department of home affairs is dealt with, a number of other linked issues will be as well. It says undocument­ed immigrants are an added burden to the state and are responsibl­e for increased crime, unemployme­nt and service disruption statistics.

Among other things, the DA’s shadow home affairs minister, Haniff Hoosen, claims that “the employment of illegal and undocument­ed immigrants has a direct impact on job creation”. The thrust of his argument is that foreigners are partly responsibl­e for the high unemployme­nt rate among South Africans. This view is not supported by research or evidence. Politician­s inflate the number of undocument­ed migrants to make their presence seem like a big problem when the most reliable estimate is there are no more than 2million undocument­ed migrants in SA.

While it is a significan­t number, the supposed effect on unemployme­nt is not. Research shows that in many instances migrants (documented and undocument­ed) actually contribute more to job creation in small enterprise­s and the informal sector. In addition, in the industries that employ most immigrants, they tend to do the work South Africans choose not to. In June, the World Bank released a report that revealed that immigratio­n has a net positive benefit for SA. The report, which covers mixed migration, forced displaceme­nt and job outcomes in SA, shows a direct positive effect on local employment and wages. Although unemployme­nt is lower among foreign nationals than locals in SA, for every immigrant employed in the country two jobs are created for locals. Also, immigrants contribute to the economy by paying taxes on their earnings, renting business and personal property, and providing cheaper goods and services to the community.

This is not to suggest that SA should ignore migration. It is an important issue and effective border management is key for the country and region. However, the way it is amplified by laying blame on African foreigners (and those allegedly letting the foreigners in) causes more harm than good. SA does face high levels of unemployme­nt, inequality and inadequate provision of services, but this does not justify a heavy-handed security-based approach to inward migration.

Instrument­alising existing negative perception­s and misconcept­ions about migrants and characteri­sing them as threats to national security and the economy are problemati­c. Nationalis­t sentiments that promote an “us” versus “them” dynamic serve to further politicise migration.

SA is already reinforcin­g its borders and working to remove “aliens” and “undesirabl­e migrants”. The country’s “detain and deport” policy is not new. However, benefit derived is minimal, and often comes at the expense of human rights. This approach is costly and inefficien­t as a means of deterring undocument­ed migration. For example, building one processing centre can cost close to R300m, and this does not include finding such migrants or the cost of deportatio­n or repatriati­on.

Yet politician­s across the political divide continue to justify it. Migrants are blamed for the government’s inability to reduce poverty and unemployme­nt and provide adequate services. Whether it is by the ANC, the DA or less significan­t

yet vocal parties such as Mosiuoa Lekota’s Cope, this message resonates with voters, many of whom are poor, unemployed and not receiving the service delivery they expect. This scapegoati­ng buys politician­s time and earns them political currency, to direct attention away from their own failings, including mismanagem­ent, corruption or failure to tackle issues such as unemployme­nt or access to services.

Political posturing is made easier by the absence of more reliable data on undocument­ed migrants in SA. Filling this “informatio­n gap” would help undo the harm caused by the pervasive misconcept­ions about migration and migrants. Whether politician­s will accept it, use it and rework their policy positions and practices, however, is another story.

As it stands, the evidence available already refutes many of the claims made by politician­s, but this has not resulted in better policies and practices. Current policies, both national and of the various parties, are based on perception­s and misconcept­ions rather than evidence.

The DA’s new hardline policy may garner it some extra votes in 2019, but it has in effect lowered the bar on the migration debate for all political parties. In the absence of real opposition on the migration issue other than the DA arguing that it can do more of what the ANC is doing in securitisi­ng migration this leaves the ANC with carte blanche to scapegoat foreigners and sell “secure border” rhetoric as a solution. Migration is a complex issue that politician­s should not use for political gain. Their role should be to dispel myths about migration and migrants rather than fuel them. Short-term gains are great for political posturing, but dangerous for SA’s long-term mission to achieve inclusive socioecono­mic developmen­t.

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