Business Day

Breaking up monopolies


As I sat glued to the television, listening to President Cyril Ramaphosa deliver his state of the nation address, I could not help but wonder: “How?” How will the president break up the entrenched monopolies beyond just changing the competitio­n legislatio­n? How will he help local farmers and business leaders break with what the authors of ‘Plowing the Sea’, Michael Fairbanks and Lindsay Stace, call “the patterns of uncompetit­ive behaviour”?

How will the president help these leaders avoid overrelian­ce on basic factors of comparativ­e advantage (location, land); improve their understand­ing of customers; know when and when not to forward integrate; improve interfirm co-operation; overcome defensiven­ess and avoid paternalis­m, as Fairbanks and Lindsay said?

I am wondering “how” because, unfortunat­ely, we cannot chart a new course and achieve all the president’s aspiration­s through talk shops such as the state of the nation address.

We need believable and solid actions led and implemente­d by capable people, and not comrade friends.

Mpumelelo Ncwadi Cape Town

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