Business Day

Kimberley Process flawed


Northern Cape illegal diamond mining exposes the major flaw in, and narrowness of, the Kimberley Process for the internatio­nal diamond trade. Initiated from Kimberley in the early 2000s, the process is still, disappoint­ingly, a work-in-progress that has failed to evolve over the past 17 years.

The process was implemente­d by the internatio­nal diamond industry in 2003 after more than a decade of civil wars, chiefly in Sierra Leone, Angola and the Democratic Republic of Congo, where rebels used “blood diamonds” (mined by military force in rebel-controlled areas) to fund insurgency. Hence the 2002 definition of “conflict diamonds”, rough diamonds that finance wars against legitimate government­s.

However, the problem with such initiative­s, and other internatio­nal efforts that choose to control the importing and exporting of such commoditie­s rather than combating the illegal mining, is that they fail to see that they often fall into the hands of internatio­nal criminal syndicates.

The syndicates see such controls as an opportunit­y, rather than a deterrent, and target countries where illegal mining controls are nonexisten­t, lax or a self-defeating populist debate. This, together with an abundance of potential, previously mined or currently exploited alluvial (fluvial) deposits, are the syndicates’ target specificat­ions their best friends.

SA has all these not just for diamonds, but for gold as well. SA is fertile ground for criminal syndicates, so it’s no wonder that we have a huge “Zama-Zama” illegal mining prevalence in the country. Compoundin­g the problem in SA, and increasing the attractive­ness to internatio­nal criminal syndicates, is the fact that old mine dumps, old tailings and other mine residues are not controlled by the country’s primary mining legislatio­n, the Mineral & Petroleum Resources Developmen­t Act.

The Kimberley Process and other internatio­nal efforts thus provide the perfect camouflage for internatio­nal criminal syndicates to operate in the country. The fluvial and mine residue deposits mentioned above, whether they contain diamonds or not, are washing machines that turn illegal diamonds into legal, Kimberley Process-approved diamonds.

Until the problem is seen in this context, and that controllin­g illegal mining or “conflict mining” should be the focus of the process and national efforts, the problem will continue to attract internatio­nal criminal syndicates to SA.

John Mills Kimberley

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