Business Day

Agricultur­e in SA has some valuable lessons for struggling Malawi

Good governance and institutio­nal reform will result in fairer prices and enable farmers to make long-term plans

- Gracelin Baskaran and Wandile Sihlobo

In recent decades, donors have poured billions of dollars into boosting agricultur­al production in Southern Africa. But the results remain mixed. For example, maize and soya bean production have increased somewhat over time in countries such as Zambia and Tanzania, while Mozambique and Malawi have experience­d rather more volatile output. Though donor funds have assisted with training farmers, providing inputs such as seeds and machinery and building agricultur­e-related infrastruc­ture, the sector has experience­d limited growth. Ultimately, it is institutio­nal reform, not funds alone, that lies at the heart of sustainabl­e agricultur­e developmen­t in Southern Africa.

If we zoom in on Malawi, about half of its population lives below the poverty line and, as a result, it has become a hotspot for donor-funded projects. Though 85% of Malawi’s population is employed in the agricultur­e sector and agricultur­e contribute­s a third of total GDP, the country’s total value production is small: R12bn compared with SA’s R268bn.

Lower production has prevented Malawi from becoming an important player in global agricultur­al markets. Data from Trade Map shows that Malawi accounted for a mere 0.05% of global agricultur­e exports in 2018. For perspectiv­e, SA accounted for 20 times that, with 1% of global agricultur­al exports in the same year.

A cross-country analysis by agricultur­al economists Antony Chapoto and Thomas Jayne found that of the seven countries studied in Southern and Eastern Africa, Malawi has one of the highest degrees of maize price unpredicta­bility and is the most volatile in the region. This partly stemmed from government policy interventi­ons, which have left farmers and agribusine­sses uncertain of whether there will be buyers for their produce. And if there are buyers, whether they will receive fair value.

The Malawian government typically uses nontariff barriers on maize and soya beans. In the recent past, maize export bans were used to address food security, while soya bean export bans have been used to satisfy a local manufactur­ing lobby. This has damped regional competitio­n, depressed prices and contribute­d to production fluctuatio­n as farmers have scaled back production due to the uncertaint­y.

This market failure has given way to a vibrant informal sector and increased smuggling to neighbouri­ng countries. We recently visited the

informal market in Lilongwe’s Area 25 and observed that for many smallholde­r farmers, soya bean and maize nontariff barriers to the formal market have proved an immense burden.

Extensive paperwork, a withholdin­g tax and impending rejection if crops fail to meet a narrow set of quality criteria have reduced the incentive to participat­e in the formal market. Smallholde­r farmers are often selling one or two bags and need immediate payment. It is unsurprisi­ng that estimates place the informal market at upwards of 70% of the market share for grains.

There is now a dualistic agricultur­al sector in Malawi: commercial (formal) and informal.

A 2013 USAID simulation found an export ban on soya beans could reduce farmers’ net revenue by 56% in a given year. Such policy interventi­ons have forced many farmers to operate at margins below national poverty thresholds, preventing the eradicatio­n of extreme poverty.

Though donors have played a key role in supporting the provision of seed varieties and fertiliser­s, the coexistenc­e of a vibrant agricultur­e sector and severe poverty have made Malawians realise that institutio­nal reform is central.

There is frustratio­n that a few agricultur­al companies continue to exert substantia­l influence over the government at the expense of smallholde­r farmers. In some ways, it feels like an insurmount­able lobby. Since the recent election, thousands of people have taken to the streets of Lilongwe to protest against the re-election of President Peter Mutharika. Though he made some progress in boosting the economy during his first term, he attracted substantia­l criticism for failing to tackle corruption. The cry for transparen­cy and institutio­nal reform has been clear.

A few lessons on institutio­nal reform in the agricultur­al sector can be learnt from neighbouri­ng SA. Since the deregulati­on of agricultur­al markets in 1997/1998, SA has had an open market, encouragin­g competitio­n and promoting a stable regulatory environmen­t. This has created a strong sense of confidence. SA farmers and agribusine­sses are almost certain that the government wouldn’t abruptly close borders for exports, even when commodity prices are rising, as we saw during the 2015/2016 drought.

The resulting confidence and stability have served as a catalyst for investment, which has contribute­d to the notable growth over the past two decades, with output nearly doubling in the commercial sector. In 2018, SA’s agricultur­al exports were almost half of the value of agricultur­al production. It is therefore clear that potential growth in the coming years will be export-dependent, making favourable trade policy key to boosting SA’s agricultur­al fortunes.

Though there is still work to be done on supporting SA smallholde­r farmers, who have been producing in the margins since the years of oppression, there is an institutio­nal will to support their inclusion in markets.

The new economic transforma­tion, inclusive growth and competitiv­eness strategy document recently released by Treasury has highlighte­d priorities: improving access to financing for farmers, improving extension services for smallholde­r and emerging farmers, investing in establishi­ng innovative market linkages for smallholde­rs, and improving market access. These interventi­ons are also relevant to other markets, such as Malawi.

Another important factor is that SA has avoided the price distortion­s that have become commonplac­e in the region. Price caps have often been used to support food security during production shortfalls. This practice is common not only in Malawi but also in other African countries such as Zambia, where the government recently placed a price cap of $199 per ton on maize (about R3,000) and has justified its actions by noting its concerns over rising maize prices and the need for food security. However, distorted agricultur­al prices will disadvanta­ge Zambian farmers and, in the long run, weaken agricultur­al investment.

Billions of dollars of donor funding have not sustainabl­y improved Southern Africa’s agricultur­e sector. Our sense is that interventi­on requires more than what donors alone can do institutio­nal reform and good governance are central to ensuring farmers receive fair prices for their harvests and are able to make long-term business plans. In this way, government­s can regulate the market efficientl­y and earn stable tax revenue streams, and consumers can benefit from lower prices through more competitio­n Ultimately, food security will be improved as regional markets start to function efficientl­y.

Improving a harvest without favourable market policies is like pouring water into a bottomless bucket and wondering why the bucket isn’t filling up.

● Baskaran is a developmen­t economics PhD candidate at the University of Cambridge, and Sihlobo is an agricultur­al economist.

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