Business Day


- /Michel Pireu (

Whatever you decide, do it now. Remember, he who hesitates is lost. If you’d bought those whatchamac­allits a couple of days ago you wouldn’t have missed out would you? The thingamaji­gs are next. Do you really want to miss out there too? The problem with most people is that they know too much - they confuse themselves. They get waylaid by side-issues; proper money management, trading strategies, things like that. You don’t need those things. Go with your gut. Plans will only inhibit you, bog you down. Besides, most people fail because they fall prey to their emotions. That’s not going to happen to you, is it? Go pick tops and bottoms.

Settling for anything less is absurd. No wonder those who can’t never really make it big. You, on the other hand, know just when to buy, when to sell, don’t you?. Hey, you were shown how to do it at that expensive seminar run by that trading legend, what’s his name? It’s simple really: buy the dogs, go big. Listen out for tips and rumours. There are people out there who know what’s going to happen next. It’s simply a question of plugging-in.

Be open-minded. You’d be surprised how much some people know about the stock market despite having had so little to do with it. Enjoy the action. To kinda quote Lieutenant Colonel Kilgore, “Don’t you just love the smell of napalm in the morning?”

The trouble with most jobs is that they are so fucking boring. Clients make all sorts of demands, bosses want things done their way, which only leads to mediocracy.

A market crash is a great way to get shot of all the things that have held you back like having to work. Go for it, devil take the hindmost. You might also want to think about getting into derivative­s as soon as possible.

But, if for some reason, you’re not finding it fun right now ...

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