Business Day

Employee ownership schemes can lift up the entire economy

- Tendani Newlamondo and Cedric de Beer ● Newlamondo is founder and CEO of the Southern Africa Employee Ownership Associatio­n. De Beer is a selfemploy­ed consultant.

On April 30 trade, industry & competitio­n minister Ebrahim Patel hosted a press briefing on efforts to promote worker ownership to benefit workers.

Representa­tives of large SA companies and trade unions spoke about share ownership structures launched in the past few years. The minister made it clear that employee ownership is an important component of the government’s economic plans.

It is therefore timely to reflect on the arguments for employee shareholdi­ng in companies, and to draw lessons from SA’s experience of employee ownership.

Shared business ownership is a way to give content to the largely empty rhetoric around building a more inclusive economy. The past 14 months have highlighte­d what was already obvious before the pandemic: current levels of inequality and poverty globally and in SA are unsustaina­ble and immoral.

It is also obvious that solutions need to go beyond assuming that a share of anaemic GDP growth will somehow trickle down to the marginalis­ed and eradicate poverty and reduce inequality. That is the assumption underlying the notion of inclusive growth.

Employees sharing in the ownership of the companies where they work is one way to include more people in the wealth that has already been created, rather than only focusing on marginal increases in future GDP. It is an option that has been gaining traction among a surprising constituen­cy — company owners — as was demonstrat­ed by those who participat­ed in Patel’s briefing.


This is a growing global phenomenon. In the US, Harley Davidson is granting shares to its 4,500 employees, after the lead of investment giant KKR. Eight industrial companies owned by KKR have awarded $500m in shares to their employees.

In the UK an Employee Ownership Associatio­n has been founded and run by businesses to promote the idea that employee ownership is good for the economy, businesses and workers. More than 5% of the UK GDP goes to companies with employee ownership. There are similar organisati­ons in Canada and Australia.

These organisati­ons emphasise that, in addition to benefiting worker income and asset growth, employee ownership increases productivi­ty, improves cohesion in the company, resilience in a crisis, and company performanc­e over time. It begins to reverse an approach that puts the interests of financial capital ahead of all other economic actors.

In SA it could also be seen as a genuine attempt to redistribu­te wealth that was accrued in an unequal way by colonial and apartheid exclusion of the majority from the centre of the economy.

There is some experience in SA post 1994 with employee ownership schemes in agricultur­e, land reform, mining, tourism and manufactur­ing. Much of this has been linked to broadbased BEE and industry codes of good practice, with supportive funding from the Industrial Developmen­t Corporatio­n and other state-funded entities. There are lessons to be learnt from these notalways-successful initiative­s.


If employee ownership is to develop real momentum, we should take note that:

● The financing of employee share schemes has often been expensive, unimaginat­ive and inaccessib­le. The schemes are often vendor or debt-financed in ways that delay tangible benefit to employees for years, leading to loss of interest and belief among workers.

● Employee share schemes seldom allow workers participat­ion in decision-making and governance of the firms in which they hold shares. This is an opportunit­y missed.

● It is often difficult to find trustees with sufficient knowledge and experience to represent workers effectivel­y.

● There can be real conflicts between workers’ short-term needs and their longer-term interests as owners. Companies, investors and trade unions are often lukewarm about the idea, albeit for different reasons.

Much work needs to be done to help all parties see the potential and benefits of creating substantia­l employee ownership in the economy.

There is a need for robust advocacy programmes, for informatio­n about the growing internatio­nal movement towards employee ownership, and for a centre that can gather and make available internatio­nal and local best practice in employee ownership. This would support all actors interested in promoting economic justice, greater social harmony and a growing economy through shared business ownership.

In SA, with its high levels of unemployme­nt, employee ownership is only part of the solution. But it is likely that the multiplier effect of improving workers’ financial situation would have an immediate positive effect on the economy and the companies that transition to shared ownership. It is a constructi­ve policy choice that all parties should be able to support.

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