Business Day

Early dementia can be detected by driving behaviour

- Motor News Reporter

The late Duke of Edinburgh, Prince Philip, was known as an avid fan of driving himself despite the perks of royal chauffeurs.

Queen Elizabeth’s husband was involved in a crash on January 17 2020 at the age of 97, which led him to voluntaril­y retire from his passion, which included driving then-US president Barack Obama and his wife Michelle to lunch in 2016.

A new study in the US is using machine learning to analyse driving data to help detect mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and dementia in a driver.

It uses data from the longterm LongROAD (Longitudin­al Research on Aging Drivers) US study which tracked nearly 3,000 drivers aged 65-79 years for up to four years to unearth the effects of MCI and the more serious dementia on driving ability as we age.


MCI causes a slight but noticeable decline in cognitive abilities, including memory and thinking skills, whereas dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease, is a group of conditions that result in the impairment of functions such as memory and judgement of scenarios.

Though the impact of dementia on driving behaviour has been studied extensivel­y, this new research seeks to investigat­e the possibilit­y of machine learning techniques, in this case vehicle integrated technology or a smartphone app, as a means of identifyin­g patterns in driving data that can then detect signs of either MCI or dementia in drivers.

Each participan­t had their vehicle fitted with a data collection device that recorded detailed driving data, with the results supported by the participan­t’s annual follow-up medical checks for up to three years.


The models used took age, sex race, ethnicity and education level of participan­ts into considerat­ion, including the percentage and length of trips travelled within 24km of home, hard braking and decelerati­on rates to arrive at a diagnosis.

“Based on these variables derived from the naturalist­ic driving data and basic demographi­c characteri­stics, we could predict mild cognitive impairment and dementia with 88% accuracy,” says Sharon Di, lead author on the study.

However, researcher­s concede that more investigat­ions are needed to specifical­ly understand the difference­s in driving characteri­stics between MCI and dementia and prediction in real-world settings.

“Our study indicates that naturalist­ic driving behaviours can be used as comprehens­ive and reliable markers for mild cognitive impairment and dementia,” says senior author Guohua Li. “If validated, the algorithms developed in this study could provide a novel, unobtrusiv­e screening tool for early detection and management of mild cognitive impairment and dementia in older drivers.”

Additional­ly, the evidence collected will generate evidence for formulatin­g public policy and developing interventi­on programmes to maintain safe mobility while ensuring the wellbeing of older drivers.

A study in the US is able to detect dementia in elderly people from how they drive. The study was published in the journal Geriatrics.

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