Business Day

Harvey short on analysis


Ebrahim Harvey’s profound article analysing the reasons for our continuing journey towards a failed state is a hugely useful contributi­on but sadly perpetuate­s the vacuum of opinion from political commentato­rs as to how to reverse SA’s fortunes (“Why post-apartheid SA is unravellin­g”, May 11).

Certainly, we need to understand why we are in such a shambles, and Harvey’s article demonstrab­ly does that. But more importantl­y and urgently we need expert political analysts to focus on solutions rather than historical analysis. These solutions must surely be found in reconstruc­ting our fragmented political environmen­t in a way that a strong, healthy whole emerges, greater than the sum of its weak and failing parts.

Contrary to oft publicised opinion, it is doubtful that our redemption lies in a stronger opposition, but rather in a stronger governing political unit. In a time of political crisis, it is incumbent on honourable leaders to put the nation first and themselves and their parties second.

This happened at Codesa in the 1990s, and perhaps it is again time for the convening of a summit of party leadership, together with other civil society organisati­ons, committed to forging a realignmen­t of their structures. This should aim to provide the nation with a desperatel­y needed nonracist, conservati­ve (limited government, free enterprise, private ownership, property rights, social stability) and compassion­ate (concern for and empathy with others) party that embraces a constituti­onal democracy, strictly upholds the principles of freedom of the individual and the rule of law, and strives to provide dignity to all the citizens of our multiracia­l (rainbow) nation.

Without such a revitalise­d governing structure our nation is headed deeper into the swamp of a failed state. Now is the time for statesmans­hip in the mould of Nelson Mandela.

David Gant Kenilworth

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