Business Day

Commission news release unjustifie­d


The Competitio­n Commission’s media team criticised food price hikes as unfair and greedy in a news release, without reading their report, which did not support such claims. The Essential Food Monitoring Report only questioned whether retailers were exploiting the global trend of rising prices and advised them to lower their profit margins.

But commission spokespers­on Sipho Ngwema accused manufactur­ers and retailers of raising prices without reason, telling TV the commission is “worried because there seems to be no relationsh­ip or no connection between the input costs … borne by the producers and the prices that consumers pay” and accused manufactur­ers and retailers of putting up prices without reason.

Yes, food prices have gone up for well-documented reasons such as load-shedding and global factors, squeezing middle-class pockets and potentiall­y leaving the poor starving. And the commission and the government are rightfully concerned.

But to blame retailers and food producers does not appear to have a basis in reality. It is, as agricultur­al economist Wandile Sihlobo pointed out, “inflammato­ry”.

If the commission’s media release accusation­s are not factual and insufficie­nt evidence is provided, why launch the attack?

It is fair to conclude it appears politicall­y motivated and feeds into the narrative that the ANC, whose political monopoly is on track to take another beating in the 2024 elections, will embark on populist policies to retain power. That will be a mistake.

It won’t, however, help the poor. When retailers are investigat­ed and are asked by the commission to provide evidence why their prices rose as retailers were forced to do, they employ lawyers and economists and it costs them money.

Blaming retailers also takes the heat off the government when infrastruc­ture collapse and blackouts add to costs.

Economists lambasted the message of the news release that was widely parroted by the media. They were right.

For one, economists say the period of analysis of bread prices over a year was too short as there is a four to nine months time lag between prices of commoditie­s such as wheat and the finished product such as bread.

Another criticism is that the analysis is too simplistic. It looks at price increases of three products — when retail stores sell thousands. It ignores initiative­s such as the 1-million R5 bread loaves sold weekly by Shoprite at the same price since 2017.

The report argues that retailers should not keep their percentage profit margin the same when basic foodstuff prices soar —a recommenda­tion that ignores rising costs for retailers too and is at odds with the law only allows the commission to charge pricegougi­ng firms if it proves the firm is acting like a monopoly.

With little it can do about soaring food prices, the commission seems to want to reduce prices by bullying retailers. But encouragin­g misplaced anger at retail firms is what is unjustifie­d.

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