Business Day

New insurance is a game-changer in extreme weather

- Vis Govender ● Govender is cofounder of Everything.Insure and Group CEO of FirstEquit­y Group.

Extreme weather has battered our world in recent years, destroying private assets and infrastruc­ture and leaving businesses reeling in their wake. Hurricanes, wildfires, floods and severe hail storms have become disturbing­ly routine occurrence­s, driven in part by climate change.

As we navigate these turbulent times of extreme weather, the insurance industry is undergoing a remarkable transforma­tion. Regulators, policymake­rs and leaders in insurance came together at COP28 to discuss the industry’s role in combating the consequenc­es of climate change while enabling better recovery from climate-linked disasters.

During the first week of the climate conference, delegates explored ways to meet the four interlocki­ng goals of reducing emissions, accelerati­ng community mitigation, keeping insurance affordable and available for vulnerable communitie­s, and closing protection gaps between insured and uninsured losses.

Leading the way in adapting to these severe weather patterns and a changing insurance industry is the idea of parametric insurance, which offers a simple, customised and proactive approach to protecting businesses in this new era.

Picture this: your business faces the relentless fury of nature and the financial stakes are high, with the risks to movable and immovable assets becoming increasing­ly unpredicta­ble. This unpredicta­bility means insurers’ modelling of the frequency and severity of natural disasters is no longer reliable, making their pricing inaccurate and forcing them to price higher.

Traditiona­l insurance models, designed for an era when weather extremes were less frequent, are struggling to keep up and need to find new ways of underwriti­ng the additional risks that climate change brings. The result? A new, more responsive solution.

Enter parametric insurance, a fresh take on the establishe­d insurance model that simplifies the complex world of risk management. It’s not about clashing with insurers to recover losses after a disaster; it’s about insuring against specific, measurable triggers where the claim outcome is certain. It’s the new standard for control and precision in the face of unpredicta­ble weather.

Imagine securing coverage against wind speeds exceeding 45km/h or a surge in sea levels in designated areas or receiving less than 120 hours of sunshine in a specific month, and should one of these triggers happen you get a predefined payout regardless of the effect on you. Parametric insurance is not indemnity based, it is about securing tailored certainty against that which is most threatenin­g to your business. You are insured against an event and your claim is paid out depending on the magnitude of that event without needing to prove or substantia­te your loss.

Parametric insurance is a game-changer, and it’s also a magnet for capital. Investors are flocking to this burgeoning marketplac­e, creating bonds worth billions of dollars to fund parametric insurance opportunit­ies. The result? Lower insurance costs, particular­ly for businesses and consumers in high-risk areas. The only question is why wait for disaster to strike when you can proactivel­y manage your uncertaint­y?

This innovative approach reduces the cost of insuring, streamline­s claims processing and reduces the need for lengthy delays in getting alignment between insurer and client after the claim. In a world where time is of the essence, parametric insurance ensures fast payouts, bringing relief to policyhold­ers when they need it most. No more waiting around; your financial safety net is assured and automated.

Parametric insurance also marks a significan­t shift in our industry’s approach to risk management. Parametric insurers help clients design programmes that fit their circumstan­ces, and are also proactivel­y investing in earlywarni­ng systems and realtime monitoring, offering advice and recommenda­tions to protect businesses and assets.

This could mean early warnings for sea surges, deep-sea earthquake­s, tsunamis, hail storms or floods, all pushed to your phone proactivel­y. Parametric insurers are always-on monitors, an early-warning system for life-changing and life-threatenin­g weather incidents. It is all about the industry acting pre-emptively in the face of climate changerela­ted weather events.

The insurance industry, not known for innovative­ness, is evolving to meet the challenges of climate change and the intensific­ation of weather-related events. It critical that business owners ensure their coverage keeps up with the changes.

The transition from traditiona­l models to parametric insurance is not just a step forward — it’s a leap into a future where businesses can thrive in the face of nature’s unpredicta­bility.

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