Business Day

Court ruling may affect Biden’s ESG investment rule

- Daniel Wiessner

An impending US supreme court ruling that could curb the regulatory powers of federal agencies may play a critical role in a challenge by Republican-led states to a rule issued by President Joe Biden’s administra­tion allowing socially conscious investing by employee retirement plans, according to a new court filing.

The 26 states, led by Utah and Texas, have asked a US appeals court to wait to decide whether to block the US department of labour rule until the supreme court issues its decision on agency powers, expected by the end of June.

The supreme court last weeky heard arguments in a dispute involving a government­run programme to monitor for overfishin­g of herring off New England’s coast. Two fishing companies asked the justices to restrict or overturn the supreme court’s 1984 legal precedent requiring judges to defer to reasonable federal agency interpreta­tions of US laws deemed to be ambiguous, a doctrine called “Chevron deference”.

Texas-based US district judge Matthew Kacsmaryk, presiding over the lawsuit challengin­g the investing rule, said in September that the US law governing retirement plans is unclear on whether such plans could consider environmen­tal, social and corporate governance (ESG) factors in making investment decisions.


The US labour department’s view that plans can weigh those factors as long as they prioritise traditiona­l financial considerat­ions is reasonable, Kacsmaryk said in declining to block the rule pending the outcome of the lawsuit.

The states filed a brief with a New Orleans-based fifth US Circuit Court of Appeals seeking to reverse Kacsmaryk’s decision. They said Chevron deference does not apply to the case because federal law clearly requires retirement plans to act “solely and exclusivel­y” for the financial benefit of participan­ts.

But if the fifth circuit finds otherwise, it should wait for the supreme court to rule on the fate of Chevron deference before deciding the case, the states said in their filing.

The rule improperly inserts political agendas into investment decisions that affect the retirement savings of hundreds of millions of people, the states said. A subsidiary of Liberty Energy and an oil and gas trade group are also plaintiffs in the case.

Finalised in November 2023, the rule covers plans that collective­ly invest $12-trillion on behalf of more than 150-million people. It reversed restrictio­ns adopted by Republican former president Donald Trump’s administra­tion on considerin­g ESG factors in making investment decisions.

Critics of ESG investing, including many Republican­s, have said it advances liberal political and social agendas at the expense of plan participan­ts or shareholde­rs who may suffer financial losses as a result.

The US department of justice, which is defending the ESG rule, did not respond to a request for comment. The brief by the states represents an early illustrati­on of the widespread effect that overruling Chevron deference could have by making it harder for federal agencies to defend their rules in court.


Pushing to eliminate the doctrine is part of a broader effort by conservati­ves and businessba­cked groups to curb the powers of what they call the “administra­tive state” as they seek to weaken the federal agency bureaucrac­y that interprets laws, crafts rules and implements executive action.

The supreme court handed a victory to that movement in 2022, ruling that the power to adopt policies involving “major questions” with broad societal impact is reserved for Congress and not federal agencies.

Biden’s administra­tion has urged the supreme court to preserve Chevron deference, arguing that the doctrine recognises the need for agencies to “fill in the gaps” when legislatio­n is ambiguous.

The questions posed by the justices during last Wednesday’s arguments did not reveal a clear majority in favour of overturnin­g Chevron deference. Some of the conservati­ve justices, who have a 6-3 majority on the court, seemed sceptical of the doctrine’s continuing force but others signalled hesitation about reversing it.

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