Business Day

Still time for small business to prepare for Earth Day

- JONATHAN COOK ● Cook chairs the African Management Institute.

There is almost a week still to prepare for Earth Day on April 22. This year’s theme is planet versus plastics. Big companies can afford sustainabi­lity managers to direct their environmen­tal efforts, but small business owners have to rely on their own ideas and limited time. What can we do?

First, is it worth it? Small people and small businesses may feel that reducing our minuscule carbon footprint is too little to be worth distractin­g us from important business imperative­s. But there is more to it than our own small saving, and there are good business opportunit­ies in environmen­tal responsibi­lity too.

Business owners may be able to influence the commitment of their staff, customers and suppliers, and even the wider community. That adds up.

And yes, it is important. Climate change is possibly the greatest existentia­l threat to humanity, with an especially big effect on Africa. Even a small, token contributi­on is worth making.

Begin with your own team. When you meet, raise awareness about environmen­tal issues and encourage employees to share ideas. Online sites provide mountains of material that can be used in workshops and for distributi­on. Most of us know about conserving energy and water, but it is still worth distributi­ng material for those who have not yet heard.

More helpful might be to discuss practical ways to reduce the big carbon contributo­rs, like transport, as in driving to work alone. We can ’ t prescribe, but we could also help people make conscious decisions about how much meat they eat, how often they discard usable clothing or other consumable­s, and how to avoid single-use plastics. We can set the example by providing reusable glass water bottles.

Creative activities can generate enthusiasm for saving the planet and building team spirit. For example, giving a prize for the greatest reduction in the carbon footprint at home would encourage team members to learn about carbon, its mitigation, and how to measure their own contributi­on.

As a company you have probably already implemente­d recycling, changed the light bulbs and fixed the taps. The high cost of solar power looks different when we consider the efficienci­es of never having to stop work for a power outage. The capital cost to run heavy electric machinery on solar may be prohibitiv­e, but for those of us who rely on computers for work and communicat­e with customers, a small system that just powers the router makes a huge difference. We can do without the kettle for a few hours, as long as we can access the internet.

Next we can reduce waste and recycle. Think about sustainabl­e packaging and reducing single-use plastics. Can you install rainwater tanks? Environmen­tally sensitive cleaning materials can reduce the pollution that is ruining our water supplies.

Can you influence customers? Many large retailers have made a virtue out of necessity by advertisin­g their recyclable packets and packaging. Even my Woolies roast chicken comes in a recyclable greaseproo­f packet. UCook collects your used carton, insulation and freeze bags when they deliver the next meal kits. Explaining to customers why you are taking these steps generates goodwill and spreads the message.

What about suppliers? Big suppliers probably already have their own sustainabi­lity programmes, but smaller suppliers might benefit from discussing how together you could reduce waste, improve packaging and use sustainabl­e materials. Maybe even invite them to your staff training on sustainabi­lity. Sustainabi­lity clauses may or may not make their way into your contracts with suppliers, but a friendly conversati­on will achieve more in practice for most people who are interested in your business.

Among suppliers, don’t forget contract staff and service providers, including gardeners, and cleaners. Every person educated about the environmen­t is another source of informatio­n into the wider community.

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