Cape Argus

Baby kit you won’t really need


AS YOU get ready for your first baby, you are going to see some very long checklists of supposed essentials.

You should know that most of these things are optional.

Here’s a list of some of the things you can live without.

Changing table: if you have a regular table or a dresser or anything with a flat surface, then you have your changing table.

Nappy bag: no one ever said baby gear had to be carried around in ugly vinyl bags with lots of compartmen­ts. You’ll need to carry some sort of bag large enough to hold nappies and wipes and maybe bottles, but any old bag will do.

Nappy pail: you don’t need to invest in something that promises to contain the odour of daysold human waste. Isn’t it just more sanitary to take dirty nappies out to the garbage bin?

Baby swing: maybe you’ve heard some parents swear by this infant entertainm­ent system. But if you don’t get it, you’ll probably never miss it, and neither will the baby. It takes up a ton of space, and a smaller bouncy chair will probably do the same trick.

Baby shoes: when the baby can’t yet walk, shoes are not only unnecessar­y, they’re bothersome.

Baby monitor: unless you have an exceptiona­lly large home, you will hear your newborn cry from another part of the home or you’ll be fre- quently checking in on the child the way paranoid new parents tend to do.

Bassinet: it’s perfectly reasonable to use a bassinet in those early weeks, because it’s cosier than a crib and can keep your newborn nearby.

But it’s not essential. A bassinet is a piece of furniture with a very short shelf life.

You probably won’t be able to live without a crib, a pram or a car seat if you have a car.

But if you want to avoid the accumulati­on of bulky, probably overpriced, often plastic items, refrain from accumulati­ng all the extras. – The Washington Post

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 ??  ?? WARM: A crib is essential, but not all the moulded plastic babyware.
WARM: A crib is essential, but not all the moulded plastic babyware.

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