Cape Argus

Zuma’s lacking in respect

- NORMA THOMAS Forest Hills

RECENTLY your impressive front cover said “Racism stops with me.”

I felt this was a fantastic way to start that day and every day, but for this to work, the example starts at the top, with President Jacob Zuma.

Zuma does not have respect for either blacks or whites.

He shows his lack of feelings for his black countrymen by spending R246 million on Nkandla when there are millions of people out of work, starving, and who have nowhere to live.

This is not combating crime, but modelling the example that it is right to steal from fellow South Africans.

We are supposed to be a rainbow nation and when we can all live in harmony, we will transform this country and be a nation to be taken note of by other countries.

Zuma says he is sorry he stole from the taxpayers to pay for his mansion, and he was forgiven by the ANC.

It seems in this country that black people can slate white people any time, any day, but let a white person do the same and people are up in arms.

It does not help anyone to dig up the past. That is gone forever.

We need to live for the now, in this moment, and so make tomorrow and the future one worth living for.

Let us forgive the people (for what they did) in the past.

English-speaking South Africans admire their South African brothers for being able to speak English.

And crimes are mostly committed against white South Africans.

Zuma sarcastica­lly said, with a smile on his face, that the verdict from the Constituti­onal Court was a cold way of doing things, and that the warm African way is much better.

Now if that is not a racist remark, then I am perhaps interpreti­ng this the wrong way.

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