Cape Argus


- Alan Simmonds

Dealer South: N-S vulnerable

Those who have read just enough to be dangerous (to themselves and their partners) might duck the opening lead. But be warned if West switches to hearts and the diamonds misbehave… South requires four diamond tricks to get home. Here learners (and sloppy card players) should note the ♦98 in South’s hand are equal to dummy’s ♦76. So “get out of your won way early.” It costs nothing to play the ♦9 first at trick two, playing an honour from dummy. East wins perforce and plays another spade; won by South. The ♦8 comes next and won in dummy, East showing out. Now your foresight pays off.A heart to hand allows the ♦3 to be played through West’s ♦10 5 and the suit is picked up.When East has to pitch a spade, South can take the club finesse for overtricks with impunity, since if West holds they ♣K he has only two more spades to cash. Moral: Watch the “small” cards carefully, often unblocking early later earns dividends.

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