Cape Argus

Double Crossword


1 Great lake bed transposed in a circle of exclusivit­y (7) 5 Shipwreck’s part in some inconclusi­ve or specious argument (7) 9 Longing to act but leg refused to work (5-6) 10 Not even skiing can go astray (3) 11 Stake out a net (4) 12 Star miming actions of new arrivals (10) 14 Laid out in a grander order (8) 15 Nurse empties sacs after stroke (6) 18 Fiddle with odd pair of crustacean­s (6) 19 Mined and refined what’s needed by the market (2-6) 22 Hope another single starts turning into pair (10) 24 Plants needing extreme moistness (4) 26 Couple you hear in the middle of a party (3) 27 Rough calculatio­n for first of the guest suites trashed by friend (11) 28 Stakes on a zero being put back in the GPS system (7) 29 Laid down the limits of definite articles of faith (7) 1 Food intake for the anorexic, as savage ... (7) 2 ... as eatery setting out tart to air (9) 3 Break free of danger at sea (4) 4 Crooks met on base and laid into vault (8) 5 Half-witted stuff’s piddly (6) 6 Forced peak production to be completely deadpan (5-5) 7 Writer’s headed off oddly stern playwright (5) 8 Thinks about kind heart and other more negative qualities (7) 13 Bud makes card game continue slowly (10) 16 Raise one’s spirits after swallowing a mug raised with intricate designs (9) 17 Finish so red and splutterin­g, having thrown one’s weight behind (8) 18 Rise to one’s feet for a comedian’s shtick (5-2) 20 Discharged when holding gun to balloon (7) 21 Drives a lot of cattle (6) 23 Image building on nocturnal predator’s hunt (5) 25 Metal that’s bluish-white, or not, amongst the zircon’s setting (4) 1 Person living under the rule of a monarch (7) 5 Endure, experience (7) 9 Variety of cabbage with white flower heads (11) 10 Baked dish with a pastry crust (3) 11 Bacchanali­an revelry (4) 12 Impartial (4-6) 14 Wandering aimlessly, without ties (8) 15 Jeopardise­d (6) 18 Clergyman (6) 19 Elective, not compulsory (8) 22 Theatrical promoter (10) 24 Berserk (4) 26 Viral respirator­y infection (3) 27 Shattered by grief (11) 28 Freedom (7) 29 Having given up work (7) Across: - 1 Flamenco. 6 Order. 10 Investigat­e. 11 Sip. 12 Awry. 13 Balustrade. 15 Intimacy. 16 Drench. 19 Mishap. 21 Reawaken. 24 Uzbekistan. 25 Stem. 27 Toe. 28 Embellishe­d. 29 Roost. 30 Redolent. 1 Assistance in times of difficulty (7) 2 Middle-class (9) 3 Heroic poem (4) 4 Broadcast pictures (8) 5 Relax (6) 6 Inflammati­on of the skin (10) 7 Fast (5) 8 Carried too far, or to excess (7) 13 Wholly, without exception (10) 16 Person who controls high appointmen­ts (9) 17 Small sharp piece of wood (8) 18 Distressin­g, sore (7) 20 Compared (7) 21 Whim, unpredicta­ble change (6) 23 Builder’s tool used to test vertical alignment (5) 25 Document issued by a court (4) Down: - 2 Leveret. 3 Mask. 4 Nuisance. 5 Opaque. 6 Overthrown. 7 Disdain. 8 Rupee. 9 Titanium. 14 Embankment. 17 Handmade. 18 Recalled. 20 Subzero. 22 Kitchen. 23 Isobar. 24 Utter. 26 Fill.

This third Captain America film follows directly on The Winter Soldier and brings to a close Steve Rodger’s (Chris Evans) arc in terms of losing and then finding his friend Bucky Barnes (Sebastian Stan).

It is very much Rodger’s story rather than Captain America’s and we see how he finally, three films in and several decades later, has to make a decision about where he stands on the role of a superhero.

New superheroe­s get introduced and lines are drawn in the sand, because in this film the superheroe­s have to decide whether to submit to government oversight or not.

The Russo brothers have gone with a grander filming style and less hand-held camera shots than in previous Marvel movies. Action sequences play out on a huge scale à la comic book splash pages and it does make you wonder what could possibly top this in the next Avengers film. SPECIAL FEATURES: The gag reel is funny, but the deleted scenes don’t really add anything to your understand­ing of the story. The tons of features makes for hours of extra material on the blu-ray disc though. This includes audio commentary from directors and writers, features on the making of the film (behind-thescenes stuff like details about new characters, stunt choreograp­hy and costume choices) and two different features on the evolution of the Captain America and Iron Man characters. It’s all very meta-textual and fodder for geeks. – Theresa Smith


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