Cape Argus

Africa’s apes are being illegally exported, unhindered, to China


AFRICA’S wild apes are being illegally exported to China using fraudulent permits from the Convention in Internatio­nal Trade in Endangered Species (Cites), according to conservati­onist and researcher Karl Ammann.

In a report titled released to coincide with the Cites conference in Gauteng last month, Ammann says the exports from Guinea included 10 endangered eastern mountain gorillas and 104 chimpanzee­s.

The apes concerned are listed as Appendix I, which makes it illegal to export wildcaught specimens. Guinea has no captive breeding facilities. The exports which Ammann investigat­ed took place between 2007 and 2011.

The only enforcemen­t action in this case was as a result of an NGO investigat­ion into illicit permits and, last year, the head of Cites in Guinea, Ansoumane Doumbouya, was arrested. However, none of the many forged Cites permits in the possession of the NGO were permitted as evidence in court.

Doumbouya was instead charged, bizarrely, of “assuming an official government position without relevant authority” and given an 18-month sentence.

He has yet to serve it, however, having in the meantime been promoted. The man who authentica­ted the false permits, Namori Keita, was appointed as head of Guinea’s Cites Management Authority in his place.

Cites Article VIII(1) states members should take appropriat­e measures to enforce the provisions of the Convention and to prohibit illegal trade in specimens. These should include measures to penalise trade in, or possession of, such specimens, or both; and provide for the confiscati­on or return to the state of export of such specimens.

In 2011 the Cites Secretaria­t confirmed “exports have occurred from Guinea in relation to specimens declared as having been bred in captivity. This trade has been in violation of the Convention”. In 2013 it recommende­d the suspension of commercial trade in listed species from Guinea, but took no further action.

Chinese complicity in ratifying false permits was ignored. Despite being required to do so by Cites law, “China has, to date, not taken a single action in connection with the numerous illegally imported chimpanzee­s currently being mercilessl­y exploited on a daily basis in tacky commercial shows in its zoos”, says Ammann.

“The Cites Secretaria­t – apparently content with this failure by China to do what is required under the convention – has taken no action whatsoever to compel China to do what the convention requires.”

According to the report, Chinese officials, who ratify Cites import permits declaring the apes to be captive bred, are aware that there are no such facilities in Guinea. Even if chimps were captive bred, they would not be permitted to be trained for shows. But everyone – even Chinese Cites officials whose job it is to ensure the permit conditions are enforced – is aware this is their fate.

The ease with which fake or falsified permits can be obtained, says Ammann, and the failure of Cites to actively police the problem is encouragin­g illegal trade.

Ammann said he was unconvince­d of Cites’ ability or willingnes­s to tackle the permit problem.

“The Cites Secretaria­t has the unique enforcemen­t tool of recommendi­ng trade suspension of any party in constant non-compliance of convention rules and regulation­s. The Guinea-China case involved some 150 chimps and 10 gorillas and was the largest such scenario ever with no attempt of any kind to enforce Article VIII of the Convention.

“If no action is possible on such a pronounced non-compliance issue, then is there a point in spending more money on Cites? To what extent does the lack of enforcemen­t now encourage the trade?”

Article supplied by the Conservati­on Action Trust

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