Cape Argus

Film companies should stop bullying residents


I HAVE been living in Salt River since 1980 and I am concerned about the way big companies are currently violating the human rights and dignity of its residents. We are bullied by these big companies on a daily basis.

When film companies use our area for shoots, we are informed via a note in the letter box about road closures, times, location etc.

We are never consulted. I was once prevented from entering the road I live in. It was 10.45pm so I protested and forced my way through. The noise was unacceptab­le; a blinding light lit up the entire street and there were crew members everywhere.

Needless to say, it was difficult to sleep that night. I even once had a huge generator opposite our house going full blast till about 3am.

When you contact the manager of the film company they tell you that permission was granted, so there is nothing that they can do. Who did they get permission from? Do these film companies really get permission from the authoritie­s to do as they please? I think not.

To the bosses of huge companies: As we celebrated Human Rights Day this week, stop bullying people who do not have the resources to fight for their rights. Be fair as you go about your business. Remember that the people of Salt River and Woodstock have the same rights as the people who live in Constantia and Camps Bay.

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