Cape Argus

Rhodes Park three are guilty

Rape, murder and robbery with aggravatin­g circumstan­ces



EMOTIONS ran high in the South Gauteng High Court when three men were found guilty of raping two women and killing their husbands. Mduduzi Lawrence Mathibela, 33, Edmore Ndlovu, 24, and Thabo Nkala, 26, were also found guilty of robbery with aggravatin­g circumstan­ces yesterday.

The trio was part of a 12-man gang who accosted the two couples while they were walking in Rhodes Park on October 17, 2015.

The two women were raped, while their husbands were stripped and ordered into the lake, where they drowned.

The women, who were seated next to each other, hugged and cried uncontroll­ably after the guilty verdict was delivered.

Social workers and the investigat­ing officers were also unable to hold back their emotions as they embraced one another.

“Jesus is alive, thank you Jesus,” said one of the social workers in tears while comforting the women.

Judge Papi Masopa foundMathi­bela, 3Ndlovu Nkala guilty on two counts of rape, two counts of murder and robbery with aggravatin­g circumstan­ces.

Arguments in mitigation and aggravatio­n of sentence are expected to be heard this week.

On Monday, the court gallery was packed with family members and journalist­s. They all waited to hear the fate of the three men.

Prosecutor Monde Mbaqa previously argued that the men should face the same charges because they acted together.

Both women had testified and said that different men inserted fingers in their genitals

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