Cape Argus

ANC creating a pattern of bad choices


THE minister of social developmen­t ignores a Concourt directive, jeopardisi­ng the only income millions of destitute citizens have – she was not recalled.

The former minister of basic education oversaw the tragic situation where, seven months into the school year, textbooks had not been delivered to learners – she was not recalled.

The minister of police was found to have improperly benefited from a police slush fund – he was not recalled.

This seems to be the ongoing theme of the Zuma administra­tion, which begs the question, what exactly has Pravin Gordhan done wrong? By all accounts, the man has been honest, scrupulous and competent.

Yes, he has steadfastl­y refused to buckle and hand the keys to the Treasury to the people who seemingly would see South Africa burn for the benefit of a handful. Apparently what is bad for our country is good for Zuma Inc, which is evidently owned by Gupta Pty.

This is one of the reasons we have Cope, and a frightenin­gly vibrant EFF.

And why the ANC I used to support may well soon be a fond memory.

The first time Zuma was elected was because of desperatio­n on the part of ANC cadres, his re-election was sheer negligence.

South Africa deserved better. FADIEL ADAMS Cape Coloured Civic Movement

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