Cape Argus

Murder of children reminds me of the mother I lost

- By Danny Oosthuizen

IT WOULD have been my mom’s birthday today if she was alive. On the day of her funeral I could not tie my shoe laces because she used to do them for me. She loved pansies. She used to brew her own ginger beer. And Moondrops was her favourite perfume. We listened to stories on Springbok Radio. Can you guys remember

with Esme and Jan? The last few weeks were filled with mothers who lost their children. Brutally murdered. And there is nothing anybody can say to make it better.

People used to tell me my mom was in heaven with Jesus. The problem is when a nine year old goes looking for heaven on a map and you don’t find such a place you don’t believe it. I want to save up some money, buy a ticket and go to where my mom is. For parents this must have been the worst moment in time.

Missing children found dead. Some killed by people they knew very well. And in all of this, life went on as per normal for most of us. We can march for the legalisati­on of dagga, but somehow not for our missing children, abused woman etc.

The church was kind of quiet too. Why? And our political leaders?

So Number 1 visited the family of little Courtney Pieters. How thoughtful... Living on the street we pick up a very disturbing vibe among us.

You see, when you look in from the outside, you pick up the finer details. There is an element in our city that is very unhealthy. And no amount of Prozac will numb you from it.

A group of us homeless people took a stroll to the stadium the night Justin Bieber was performing. Green Point was congested.

Excitement all around us. Happy, smiling people. Thinking back, I wonder if those who paid R15 000 a ticket would have done so if they knew Justin would lip sync most of his songs, no costume change, and no meet-and-greet. Sir Mick Jagger would have done better!

Now let me introduce you to a woman I would spend my money on: Sam Grass.

I got to know Sam a year ago when she donated toiletries to the homeless. It was her birthday wish. Relatives and friends came together and it was so beautiful to see this young woman, using her special day to better the lives of those less fortunate. Little did I know that this was the start of a long journey. Sam is doing it again this year.

But this time she will not be concentrat­ing on toiletries only. She will identify various needs like groceries, clothing, etc.

This weekend, some homeless people will be spoilt with home baked cup cakes, baked by Sam and her family.

I can see an activist in the making. I am humbled to say that the Dignity Project got many community members active in the plight of the homeless.

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