Cape Argus

Madikizela supports Hofmeyr fund-raiser U-turn

- Jason Felix

DA WESTERN Cape leader Bonginkosi Madikizela says he supports the George Municipali­ty’s about-turn allowing Afrikaans singer Steve Hofmeyr to perform at the town hall.

Madikizela said a school hired a hall from George Municipali­ty for a fund-raising concert.

“When some people heard Steve Hofmeyr would be performing, they put pressure on the municipali­ty to cancel the booking. This was brought to my attention on Friday. I called the mayor to establish the facts around George Municipali­ty’s decision to cancel the booking. When I heard it was because of Steve Hofmeyr I advised against that decision,” he said.

“I don’t share his views and I’ll never attend any of his concerts. But we can’t make such decisions on the basis of our personal feelings about individual­s.

“We are a party that respects freedom of choice and associatio­n enshrined in our constituti­on, we can’t deny people the space to express their views just because we disagree with them – that’s exactly what the apartheid government used to do. That’s why I believe Steve Hofmeyr’s concert should be allowed to continue.”

Municipal manager Trevor Botha said: “The municipali­ty reconsider­ed its decision to cancel the booking to hire the town hall for a fund-raising event on March 22, which may go ahead as planned.”

ANC provincial secretary Faiez Jacobs said: “We call on the George Municipali­ty to immediatel­y cancel this concert, disassocia­te themselves from Hofmeyr in the way other sponsors like Pick n Pay, Land Rover and Absa have done in the past. No sphere of people’s government should ever associate itself with this racist white supremacis­t and his crass and crude conviction­s.

“The country has always been alarmed and disgusted by Hofmeyr’s racist demonstrat­ions, racist slogans and misguided Afrikaner nationalis­m which see Afrikaners as superior and the indignity blacks suffered at their hands.”

Hofmeyr’s booking agent, Leeza Mulder, did not respond to questions sent to her.

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