Cape Argus

Bo-Kaap property rates bound by law

- BRANDON GOLDING Councillor: Ward 77

WITH reference to your editorial of June 15, 2018 it is important to bear the following in mind before rushing to conclusion­s about the City’s involvemen­t in matters relating to property rates in the Bo-Kaap.

Your editorial states that: “through exorbitant rates that the City is imposing on Bo-Kaap residents, they are forcing many working-class residents and pensioners to sell their ancestral homes to greedy capitalist developers who plan to replace these homes with high-rise buildings”.

This statement is both misleading and inaccurate. The City is bound by national legislatio­n, namely the Municipal Property Rates Act of 2004 which states implicitly that a municipali­ty must levy rates on all rateable property. It further states that a municipali­ty may include three categories when determinin­g this. These include the use of the property, the permitted use of the property or the geographic­al area in which the property is situated, except for residentia­l areas where only one rate can be applied across the whole city. The City simply cannot make special exemptions for any rateable properties in the Bo-Kaap. This can only happen if national government agreed to amend this act to make special allowances for historical­ly disadvanta­ged areas such as the Bo-Kaap.

As ward councillor for the area, I will be writing to the Minister of Cooperativ­e Governance and Traditiona­l Affairs to ask if this amendment can be considered, taking into account the unique history of the Bo-Kaap.

The City has done its best to ensure those who are unable to afford to pay their property rates can apply for indigent relief and rates rebates. This provides a degree of cover for pensioners and families with a low household income. I have set up and manned sessions in the Bo-Kaap where this process was facilitate­d with members of the community.

Taking the above into account, it is disingenuo­us to suggest the City is somehow actively involved in a campaign to drive historical residents out of the Bo-Kaap in favour of developers.

Nothing can be further from the truth. The Bo-Kaap is currently covered by a degree of architectu­ral heritage protection and I am working hard to expedite the rollout of the Heritage Protection Overlay Zone initiated by my predecesso­r, Cllr Dave Bryant. I will continue to work to preserve the culture and heritage of the Bo-Kaap at all costs and remain willing to engage on any issue at any stage.

 ??  ?? COOL DOWN PERIOD: Firefighte­rs douse the flames of Bo-Kaap anger after residents protested against gentrifica­tion and rate increases.
COOL DOWN PERIOD: Firefighte­rs douse the flames of Bo-Kaap anger after residents protested against gentrifica­tion and rate increases.

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