Cape Argus

No more excuses as VAR means ‘war’ on referees


MOSCOW: As must have been the case with the first glimmers of electric lights in the 19th century, video assistant referees benefited from an initial “Wow! The technology works!” buzz when they first plugged themselves in at this World Cup.

Many observers were quickly won over, like wide-eyed kids with new gizmos.

But the VAR system’s pernicious impact is apparent, too. Instead of the referees’ uniform the screen-watchers theatrical­ly wear as they scrutinise the action and replays in Fifa’s selfimport­ant “VAR Room” (sounds like “War Room,” get it?), they should wear aprons, because their introducti­on is dirtying fundamenta­l charms of the game that long managed perfectly well without them.

The clear and simple spectacle of football – 22 players regulated by a small team of on-pitch officials whose decisions, right or wrong, had the merit of being easy to see – is losing that sharpness in a VAR fog.

Why are referees using video assistance in some instances and not others? It isn’t clear. What exactly are the video officials, from their room in Moscow, saying into the earpieces of refs at the stadiums? Also unclear, because Fifa isn’t airing the exchanges.

And why, with referees and assistants on the field, are they being secondgues­sed? Simple: Because they are human.

Their fallibilit­y was easier to accept before VAR. Until now, football imposed the idea of human imperfecti­on on players and fans. The unwritten pact was that it is a fast-moving game inherently riddled with opportunit­ies for refereeing mistakes.

That also made it a useful channel for broader lessons about life and its imperfecti­ons. That is why, in football, referees’ decisions are final; they still have absolute authority even when they get things wrong, as they always will. The addition of the VAR system, however, undermines that philosophy as it peddles the idea that technology might move refereeing closer to perfection.

Now, when errors still slip through and beat the system, more people are made to look bad and the mistakes are harder to forgive. Previously, you might have bad-mouthed referees’ blunders, but if you were reasonable, you also were more likely to have understood how they could happen.

But with VAR, well, what’s the excuse?

VAR has prevented some injustices at the World Cup. On the occasions when VAR failed, inexplicab­ly missing fouls, intervenin­g in borderline calls or being used unevenly, the sense of injustice is aggravated because the technology has further lowered tolerance for mistakes among players, coaches and fans.

With VAR has come the quickly tiresome sight of players and coaches regularly haranguing officials by drawing a TV-shaped square in the air with their fingers, pushing for VAR’s interventi­on.

Better communicat­ion on VAR’s use would help.

Carlos Queiroz, the experience­d Portuguese coach of Iran, also had a point with his furious complaints about opaque VAR decision-making.

“Who is making the decisions? We have a right to know. The people need to know,” the former Bafana Bafana coach said.

“There is no room for human mistakes. Human mistakes was before, we accept that, that was part of the game. Players make mistakes, coaches make mistakes and referees make mistakes. But now you have one system that costs a fortune. High technology, five, six people inside, whatever, nobody takes responsibi­lities.

“The referees on the pitch, they are... washing their hands. They cover themselves with decisions because the guys are upstairs. The guys upstairs they don’t know exactly what they should do. Stop it.”

Retired English Premier League, Champions League and internatio­nal referee Graham Barber says that if he was still officiatin­g, he’d rather not have VAR.

Watching the World Cup from his home in Spain, his impression has been that tournament referees now seem more liable to second-guess themselves and that VAR is “just transferri­ng somebody’s opinion from the field of play to someone who is watching on a TV screen”.

“The referees have almost abdicated making a decision,” he said.

Barber also says VAR is overkill, “a little bit sledgehamm­er and nut”, because before its introducti­on, top referees were getting the vast majority of big decisions right.

“Football is not matter of fact. Show me somebody that goes to work and sometimes doesn’t have an off day.”

With time, VAR wrinkles will continue to be ironed out. If VAR modifies players’ behaviour, dissuading divers and penalty-box wrestlers, that will be welcome.

But the game and people are messy. Hopefully we’ll always be accepting and understand­ing of that.

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