Cape Argus

‘Don’t tamper with voting’


President Muhammadu Buhari has warned that anyone trying to tamper with Nigeria’s postponed vote risked their lives and accused the electoral commission of incompeten­ce.

The Independen­t National Electoral Commission (INEC) announced a week’s delay to voting in the early hours of Saturday, just as some of Nigeria’s 84million registered voters were already making their way to polling stations. Buhari said anyone trying to steal or destroy ballot boxes and voting material in the election now scheduled to take place this coming Saturday would be dealt with firmly.

“I have given the military and the police instructio­ns to be ruthless. We are not going to be blamed for the bad conduct of the election,” he told an emergency meeting of senior members of his All Progressiv­es Congress (APC) party in the capital Abuja.

He said anyone trying to intimidate voters or interfere with the voting “will do it at the expense of his own life”.

The opposition People’s Democratic Party (PDP) has suggested that Buhari, a former military ruler who was later elected president in 2015, was behind the postponeme­nt in order to hold on to power. The ruling party has accused the PDP of being behind the delay and colluding with figures within the electoral commission.

Neither party has publicly provided evidence to back up their allegation­s.

The PDP criticised the president’s comments in which he warned people against tampering with election material.

“President Muhammadu Buhari’s threat to the lives of Nigerians, at the opening of APC’s national caucus meeting in Abuja today, is a direct call for jungle justice,” the party said.

All sides have, however, appealed for calm in a country where past elections have been marred by violence and intimidati­on. So far, there have been no signs of violence or unrest after the INEC announced the delay.

Buhari faces a tight contest against the PDP’s Atiku Abubakar to lead a country that has Africa’s largest economy and is its top oil producer, but is plagued by corruption and wide gaps between rich and poor.

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